Hiya. I used to have panic attacks and anxiety attacks nearly every
day. (Difference between anxiety and a panic attack is that an
anxiety attack has an identifiable trigger. Panic attacks happen
"out of the blue" as it were) Due to diet changes and a
lot of other stuff, I'm down to less than 2 a month. I would start
to rock back and forth, wring my hands together, breathe heavily,
hunch my shoulders up and push away physical contact. Any questions
as to what was wrong and I'd just flip out physically, throwing my
hands up in the air, running my fingers through my hair/pulling on
my hair (never hard enough to pull it out though) and
hyperventilate. I pretty much just panic. My anxiety attacks were
very much the same, except I could work through them easier because
I knew why they were happening if I thought about it.<br>
I don't know if you are having an anxiety attack, but the symptoms
do fit mostly. I'd talk to your doctor and see what they think. If
it isn't interrupting your daily life, and it's only identifiable
reasons, they probably won't prescribe anything. I went on an
anti-anxiety and panic drug for a while, but I don't think that you
would need to. Breathing exercises are really helpful, for example:
if you feel your symptoms coming on, or if they're happening, start
at a number, say 5043 and start subtracting by 7's in your head. It
takes your mind off the trigger really well. Then when you realize
that you're working down from 5043 in 7's and you wonder why,
you're calmer, and you can work with your emotions easier. It works
for me anyway. In any case, i'd talk to your doctor. Good luck and
I hope that this helps.<br>