Parent Mentor


New member
Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two.

Any help would be wonderful.



New member
Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two.

Any help would be wonderful.



New member
Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two.

Any help would be wonderful.



New member
Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two.

Any help would be wonderful.



New member
Does anyone know of anyone or know anything about being a parent mentor? I have a job opportunity to be one and don't know much about it. Just know you need to have a child with special needs- and I have two.
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<br />Any help would be wonderful.
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<br />Angie