Pari Trek


New member
I just got a Pari Trek today, and I must say they are neat. Its a portable compressor weighs less then a pound, or 2 pounds w/rechargable battery attached. Maybe I am late in discoverying this, but I must say this will deffantly come handy for the summer with road trips and what not.

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I got the pari trek a year and a half ago and I love it! Since i travel alot it doesnt take much room and I dont mind taking it now vs the regular neb which takes way more room and to me is a pain in the butt!!! I love it and have really never had any problems, except the pari cups!!! You really need to make sure you get all the stuff out and not let it dry out without washing it!! ANd of course change it every 6months or less. But yah I love mine!!!

Cariann 20 w/cf and cfrd


New member
If you want something even smaller and silent, check this out. Click the text link.

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I got one of these and it ROCKS.

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Text</a>


New member
I have the omron micro air as well. I love it. it even does tobi in half the time...all the tobi med doesnt fit in it at once but you put half in there and then the rest. but you have to replace the mesh cap once a year and they are about $50....not bad for a year use....and do make sure you clean it after each use, its to easy for mold to grow in these small things.


New member
I can't find the numbers, but I know there are very specific particle sizes, rates, etc...that are supposed to be used for nebulizing TOBI and that specific Pulmoaide compressors and Pari nebulizers are usually recommended.

Does anyone have the exact specs for the way TOBI is supposed to be delivered and does it match this? If so, I'd love to get it.

The Omni specs say it nebulizes at a rate of .25mL/min. minimum, with a particle size of MMAD approx 5nm and vibration rate of 180kHz. What's the requirement for TOBI (and Pulmozyme for that matter)?

Anyone know?



New member
Hi, I just want to say that we got a Pari Trek for my younger daughter last summer for her to take to cheer camp. It was small and discrete. She loves it. I wasn't sure if it would hold up to three straight treatments but it does. My older daughter has a Duraneb 3000 we purchased almost 4 yrs ago and her doc just put in the insurance paperwork for her to get a Pari Trek to take to college. I highly recommend the Pari Trek to everyone.

I did take a look at the Omron one that someone else posted. It looks pretty neat. My oldest tried an Omron before we bought the Duraneb 3000 and she didn't like the cup. But that was a different one, not the one recommended in this topic.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


New member
Does insurance cover it or do you have to pay out of pocket? I would love to get a small one for travel!



New member
I'm on that insurance too Courtney. In Mich, our govenor is trying to get anyone 18 and older that has a primary insurance kicked off it and on to state funded Medicaid program. I use CSHCS as a secondary insurance. What state do you live in? If you don't mind me asking. They are supposed to vote on the bill on Monday. I'm going down to Lansing to see if I can help CFF fight it. Becky 35w/CF in Mich


New member
Courtney, what accessories and such did you get with the pari trek? I looked around at the website and they have three different "types" you can order (with different accessories) and then different accessories to order on top of it. Any suggestions?
Also, did they bill your insurance, or did you have to pay and then get reimbursed?

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I got the combination pack, that came with recharable battery, car plug, ac adaptor, carrying case and extra nebs. I guess they just billed my insurance. When I went to clinic last I asked about getting a travel compressor and then the next thing I know they are showing up at my door I had no idea that I was getting it! I didnt put out any money so I am assuming that insurance took care of it.


New member
Have a look at this new neb from pari that is supposed to be suitable for tobi!! - seems to be the answer to my prayers

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I was wondering if anyone has used an antibiotic with the Omron Micro-Air Electronic nebulizer. I'm interested in this one but I use inhaled Colistin.


New member
I know i have mentioned this on another topic about portable nebs, i got the pari trek for caleb and i ended up finding the best deal on ebay.. it came with all the extras and it was brand new in a sealed box. i paid 72 dollars plus 13 for shipping.. just a thought if your insurance wont cover it.

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member

the new e-flow from Pari is much better: smaller, not noisy at all and the inhalation does last a very short time, because the nebulization is much more "intense". You can use it at home and "on Tour" and its for all our normal medication.



New member
to: "43 from Germany" regarding the pari eflow

I looked up the pari eflow web site and was very interested in this neb. I called them for more info and they referred me to the pharmacy closest to me that distributes them (in a different state from mine). I called that pharmacy and they told me that don't charge for the nebulizer, but in order to get this neb, you have to get a prescription from your doc and you have to get your meds that you would use in this pari-eflow through their specific pharmacy. Also she stated the dosage with this pari eflow is different. She said this pari eflow is very compliant/efficient.

I'm just wondering how you got your pari eflow. Is this how it worked for you, or is there another way of getting this without going through all these hoops.
