Thanks for your responses Kristen and Lamp!
We have been TTC since May 2008 (off BC over 2 yrs now). The first 7 mo we weren't charting - trying to be low key. We just finished cycle 4 charting, BBT, OPKs, timed sex, etc. With my age (32 in Sept), basically a year of TTC, and CF we started seeing a RE. My HSG is clear and DH's SA is very good. DH was screened (I know a bit of a hot topic) a while ago, and he is not a carrier.
Pending my CD3 results (blood draw today), I start a monitored clomid challenge this cycle. I have a 29-33 day cycle w/ ovulation CD17-CD18. LP between 11 to 14. The RE nurse said we can go ahead with the IUI this month as well, if the dr says everything looks ideal. I was a little surprised since I thought it was simply the clomid challenge response first. I told her that I would talk w/ my husband before making a decision. So now I am trying to decide if everything does look ideal, if we should move ahead with IUI.
It is just hard to decide when we have been trying for a year now, and I am *starting* to feel old (by CF terms), and worried that TTC may be even a longer experience than we prefer. Most of my h.s. girl friends are having kid #3. My college friends all seemed to start, and were pregnant w/ #1 w/in 6 months. I know we shouldn't compare ourselves to others, but, aside from their experiences, I had hoped to be into the family scene right around now. I am starting to get very teary about it every month when AF arrives.
Healthwise, I am very stable with PFTs between 97-106%, 5'2", 118 lbs, Pancreatic Insufficient, but not diabetic. I travel for my job so I haven't had a chance to talk w/ DH yet. I will talk with him tonight in person rather than over the phone last night. My insurance covers 80% of IF treatments up to $35,000 for the life of my term so, for us the $$ concerns aren't really the issue.
I wanted to get other CF females' opinions b/c I'd hate to keep TTC naturally and then find out later that IUI was realy our best option. Wouldn't it just be nice to have hindsight available ahead of time?