paying for college ?


New member
Scholarships, grants, student loans. Apply for EVERTHING!Deb<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The old fashion way...hard work. I got a job at 16 and worked my butt off and saved every single penny (no joke I babysat for spending money, but money I made at work went directly for college) I got through the 1st two years, but am a little nervous for having enough money for next year. I applied to scholarships, but didn't get any so don't depend on them....Get grants and loans if you can't get money any other way. Good luck cause I so know what its like!Emily 19/CF and working hard!


New member
I don't know if you are but I am an Indian and the Cherokees pay for a big part of my school. what they don't pay for I work to pay off. so far I have gone four years without having any money to pay back I have one last semester and then I am done.


New member
I pay for a very small amount. But I currently have Supplemental Security Income, because CF is considered a disabling condition. Because I receive SSI, I also receive services (and money) from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). They will fund a large percent of your professional training (college) if you are going full time, and continue to have a decent GPA while in college. I also received a church scholarship, and a scholarship from our local CF support group. Money and opportunity is out there, it's just a matter of locating it in your community, and or University. 23/f/cf/cfrd


New member
right now I am currenty going to college it is a two year college. But I went and got on to FAFSA and filled out there forms after doing my taxes. But you also need to go the school in which I want to attend and get the paper work from them. I was lucky and got a pell grant so it is all paid for. good luck


New member
There are some scholarships available just for students with CF. One of them is through the makers of Creon enzymes, one is through the CFSF (CF scholarship foundation) and one is through the Boomer Esiason Foundation. I think there are also others out there, but these are the three that I know of. They generally won't cover everything, but can definitely help!Becky


New member
Fafsa is a wonderful tool to use go to and it will give you all you need to do but need tax forms and you will need to go to the college and get forms from them too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
The hard way I have worked ever since i was 14. Right now my parents are helping me out but they aren't paying for all of it. Apply for scholarships, grants, everything. they have them for jsut about anything i swear, they have scholorships for CF, left handers everything! Aimee19 f wcf