People with CF ...


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My fiance, Kurt, and I were talking the other day about a little girl we know with CF. He had met her mother and the family (mom, and 3 children 6 yr old girl no CF, 4 yr old girl w/ CF, and 2 yr old boy no CF) through his work and became friends with them before he ever knew they had a connection to CF. He always wears a CF awareness bracelet and one day the mother grabbed his arm and held his bracelet and said what is this? Where did you get that? Then he proceeded to tell her about me and she told him about her daughter. We have gotten together several times and this little girl is the spunkiest thing I have ever seen. She is so smart and witty and full of life, but also has a little bit of an attitude - the kind of attitude CF patients get after years of treatments, hospital stays and taking care of themselves. She has that "years of experience" attitude and was just recently put in the hospital for her first "tune-up".

I mentioned her attitude to Kurt, and how I thought she was just great. How she was something special. Then Kurt looked at me and said you are the same way. I just looked at him and asked what he meant. He then went on to say how I had the same personality traits as this little girl and how every person he had met (since knowing me) that had CF he noticed the same traits. He said it was like we were chosen (in a sense) to have this disease because we were unique and well special (for lack of a better word). We were all strong, brave, happy and enjoying life refusing to let CF "live" us, like CF had made us appreciate everything that much more. He then said he wished he could do something to take CF from me, but that he was glad that I had CF - he hated that I had to be sick - but that if I didn't have this disease that I wouldn't be me and he loves the person I am and have become and my outlook on things - which is in large part due to what I have been through with CF. He continued to say that I and my having CF have made him slow down (since we met) and it has made him enjoy life and live in the moment and he was thankful for that.

I wanted to share that because it made me think alot. I have always been told by my family and friends that I am special or different or there is something about me. I never really thought much about it. I just shrugged it off as people being nice or not knowing what else to say. When Kurt said that to me though I thought about everyone I have and do know with CF, and it is soo true. There is something about everyone of us that makes us stand out to the people we know - and I am not talking CF. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone on here that has CF had not had numerous people say to them that there was just "something about them" (or something to that affect) or for people that know people with CF if you don't just see that "something" everytime you see the person.

I hope that was not too long winded. I just thought of that again today and it made me smile and tear up at the same time. Then I realized if anyone would want to hear it - it would be you guys here. Most likely you could relate <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Have a great day,


New member
I think its all part of the package just like the thick mucous & the smelly poop! I have found a majority (not all I will say) that I have met to fall into this catergory. Those that wouldnt fall into this catergory might very well, but these characteristics are just not as obvious! They have spunk, humour & good hearts!


New member
Aww, what a sweet story. Thanks for sharing it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I must completely agree with you. I've thought this all along (nice to know I'm not just biased about my son *wink, wink*) All of the CF children (and adults) that I know...there's just something about them. They ARE special (and completely cute I might add. Isn't that what CF stands for? CUTE FACTOR? LOL)

When my son was born, and BEFORE he was diagnosed, my mom told me "he has very knowing an old soul". I DID NOT like this because I had always been paranoid that something would be wrong with one of my kids. A few months later, he was diagnosed w/ CF.

I told this to another mom (with a son w/ CF) and she told me a similar story of her son.

Just very special people that have to deal with a very "special" situation. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

I believe you are right. I've noticed the same about my daughter and she is only 3. She has some sort of magnetism that just draws people to her. She's happy, spunky, opinionated, strong and brave. We are always stopped in public by complete strangers that just want to talk to her and comment on her cuteness and attitude. I do believe that cfers are "special" people. Maybe it's that way to counteract the terrible things that you have to go through. As much as I hate the disease, it's what makes her who she is and I wouldn't change her for anything.

I'm glad that other people see it that way too!


New member
That's very sweet Lindsey!

A lot of what Kurt said to you about how he's gad you have CF because it makes you who you are. I feel the same way about Mark. I hate the disease, I hate that it makes him hurt and struggle but I know he wouldn't be the person he is today if he didn't have CF.

You've got a keeper!!!!!


New member
That is such a nice story! I am sooo happy you found a guy with that kind of outlook!!! Yeah!

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>When my son was born, and BEFORE he was diagnosed, my mom told me "he has very knowing an old soul".</end quote></div>

It is funny that you say that because that is the same comment several people have made about this little girl. Her grand parents, family, friends, delivery nurses, doctors and my mom when she met her for the first time.



New member
Thank you Lindsey for sharing these thoughts with us. I know exactly what you mean about the little girl with her "special attitude." I have had the same experience with a little cf girl myself. I love her dearly.

I want to add that Kurt is one "special man." And the two of you together are a "mighty team." Best wishes on your future marriage and life together. I'm just so happy for you that you have a man who appreciates "all" of you.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Lindsey that was very nice reading , not too long by any means.......

I have been call an Old Soul ever since I was young, I know I am the ol fart here.

Also My Grand Father called me Shinny Eye's when I was a Baby.

My Grand Mother always held my face in her hand and looked into my eyes
as if She saw something no one else say, She was full blooded Cherokee,
this was even before I was DXed with Cf.

Very Nice Post Lindsey <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Lindsey, what a beautiful story to share with us. Yes, that uniqueness about all of you(cfrs) is like an aura surrounding you, and I could "sense" it when I came to this site. I also see it in my granddaughter--she is a beautiful, blond, curly-headed child with big blue eyes that see to your soul. She has never had a problem taking her enymes , lactaids, or that awful vitamin stuff! It's like she knows intuitively that it's best for her. Kurt sounds really "special" himself--I think all (true) mates of a cfr are. Thanks for sharing with us.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Abby</b></i>

I believe you are right. I've noticed the same about my daughter and she is only 3. She has some sort of magnetism that just draws people to her. She's happy, spunky, opinionated, strong and brave. We are always stopped in public by complete strangers that just want to talk to her and comment on her cuteness and attitude. I do believe that cfers are "special" people. Maybe it's that way to counteract the terrible things that you have to go through. As much as I hate the disease, it's what makes her who she is and I wouldn't change her for anything.

Funny you saying that, son is much the same. He is very similar to his sister when she was that age, but there is a big difference in his outlook and he is only 1 year old. Coulden't quite put my finger on it until I read this thread, and you know what, I think you are all right, they are different.

When i pop into the Health centre without my son, the recepionists will always get at me for not having Craig with me, and if we do bring him in, nothing gets done until we leave again. Thtas just one example of many.


New member
That's very weird. I'm of Cherokee decent (Great-grandmother was full Cherokee). Hmmmm... *smiles*

I again just must say, it's true. There's just something about people w/ CF. I truly believe, for one reason or another, that you all are chosen. I don't know why. Maybe it's something I MUST believe, but I've had people say that...that there's just something about him. They've said it about my daughter too (a cf carrier). But with him, it's a little different. There's just something there I can't put my finger on. And, he's such a fighter. When they TRIED to sedate him for his infant PFT's...he fought it so hard that they gave up. And before he was diagnosed (I diagnosed him) he was such an unhappy baby. He cried and cried. He was so high maintanence. Like he was TRYING so hard to tell me something. By the time he was diagnosed (before any medical intervention..enzymes for his tummy, nebs for breathing) he was so happy. Like, "Mom, you figured it out. I'm fine now."

Other than that, he just has the natural ability to wrap people around his finger. He hugs everyone (even strangers). He's a complete charmer.

BTW, Coltsfan...are you from Indy? We are from Indianapols/Avon area.

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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~ unfortunately no I am not from Indy. I grew up in Jacksonville, FL (born in Bethesda, Maryland). My family is from Tennessee and I was a huge UT-Knox fan and therefore a Peyton Manning fan and from watching him play at Indy I have become a fan of the team.

He got me hooked on football <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">, so I stuck with him instead of going for the hometown team or another FL team - though I did like the dolphins when Marino was around.



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We love our Payton <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">) Might have to send you something...straight from Indy!!! Hmmmm...I'll have to think about that one! Is there anything you'd really like? (that you can't get from just anywhere??? lol!!!)

It's still hard for my husband to talk about last season!! lol!! My daughter will warn people not to say anything about "The Colts" (in a hushed tone)!! She said "Daddy might cry!" lol!!


New member
Yeah I was overly frustrated about last season. I am anxious for this season to start. I want to see what the RB situation is going to look like, and the new kicker. Vandy is gone now, at least he is at the Cowboys so I can still wear his jersey. Everyone here though it was a cowboys jersey anyhow lol.
I am the same way as your husband though. I will defend the Colts till my dying breath and heaven forbid my friends talk bad about them in front of me lol ... if they do it is sooo ON! lol.
The only thing I have been looking for and I don't even know if they make it is a car sticker - a window decal that is just the Colts horsheshoe. The blue horseshoe - like what was on the middle of your daughters cheerleading outfit in the pic you posted. Other than the jerseys and the visors/pics I have already, I don't need too much lol. Then it would be out of control lol.

You guys definitely have a fan cheering with you in FL. lol If they air the colts Jags game (in Jacksonville) I should be there. Been there the past 3-4 years. Wearing my Peyton jersey of course lol.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Augustmom0003</b></i>

Forgot to add a picture of my baby <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Beautiful little boy and a lovely name. I liked the name Ethan when I was expecting but I had a girl, so wasn't appropriate any more!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">