Perfumed People


New member
I was administering a test today at a high school and one of the girls in the testing group was wearing a profuse amount of perfume. It made me wonder about my little boy and what it might be like for him when he gets in the higher grades. It was making my eyes water, so I wondered, what was your experience like in school? They do so much to outlaw peanuts and strawberries because of allergies in our school system, I wondered if they could make a school rule that people not wear perfume or cologne? I thought I might push for it now before Sam gets into the higher grade levels that way people wouldn't think it was because of the kid with CF, they would just be used to it as a school policy. Anyone ever have to suffer through perfume or cologne smells during classes? rosesixtyfive, mother of Sam, 3 years old, DDF508


New member
Perfumes did not seem to bother me in older grades. I myself wore perfume until my late twenties. Then I had some asthmatic symptoms develop with my cf. Peanut allergies can cause death if not immediately treated. There is a little difference . More than likely when in highschool your child will only be in classes for a hour at a time not all day testing like you were . Hopefully,he can more across the room or speak to his teachers. Most teachers would be understanding. I personally would have died if my mom had wanted to do ban perfume or something similar because I had cf. I didn't want to be treated differently. But I totally understanding you wanting to advocate for your son I'm a mom too. Your son will learn to speak up for himself when he's older.You can't take all rights away from people of course I am for banning smoking especially inside. And who knows what your son will be able to tolerant later on or what his cf will be like. We are all different. Try not to worry.


I understand you. Sitting next to someone with heavy perfume is awfull. I get sinus pains and have to move places, if I sit next to some one on public transport. There should be made more aware of this is the public space.


New member
I once had to leave xmas eve church service because the woman in front of me smelled so bad.
The smell was so strong that when my husband and I went to bed, I made him take a shower because the smell was in his hair!!
I wish people were more considerate.