

New member
Does Periactin make you hungry immediately after taking it or does it take a couple of weeks for it to get in your system before you start feeling more hungry? I feel like I have gotten two different answers from my daughter's CF team. So far, the only effect I have seen from the periactin is grumpiness <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
Thanks, Amy


New member
Does Periactin make you hungry immediately after taking it or does it take a couple of weeks for it to get in your system before you start feeling more hungry? I feel like I have gotten two different answers from my daughter's CF team. So far, the only effect I have seen from the periactin is grumpiness <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
Thanks, Amy


New member
Does Periactin make you hungry immediately after taking it or does it take a couple of weeks for it to get in your system before you start feeling more hungry? I feel like I have gotten two different answers from my daughter's CF team. So far, the only effect I have seen from the periactin is grumpiness <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
Thanks, Amy


New member
Does Periactin make you hungry immediately after taking it or does it take a couple of weeks for it to get in your system before you start feeling more hungry? I feel like I have gotten two different answers from my daughter's CF team. So far, the only effect I have seen from the periactin is grumpiness <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
Thanks, Amy


New member
Does Periactin make you hungry immediately after taking it or does it take a couple of weeks for it to get in your system before you start feeling more hungry? I feel like I have gotten two different answers from my daughter's CF team. So far, the only effect I have seen from the periactin is grumpiness <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
<br />Thanks, Amy


New member
My son has been on Peractin now for about 4 months and during that time they also had him on adderall so he could focus in school. We took him off adderall 6 weeks ago because he actually lost 2 pounds and the adderall made him depressed, moody, anerexic. I thought the whole time this peractin is not working! Well since 6 weeks ago he has gained about 5 pounds! He barely gains that in a year. He is actually hungry-- he has NEVER had an appetite EVER. So I can say "yes" now it seems to be working. He was on the peractin about 2 yrs ago and he was a total grump and I did have to take him off because it wasn't working. I don't know why it seems to work now and not then. Also he takes 2 tsp. 4 times a day. So that is 8 tsp a day.



New member
My son has been on Peractin now for about 4 months and during that time they also had him on adderall so he could focus in school. We took him off adderall 6 weeks ago because he actually lost 2 pounds and the adderall made him depressed, moody, anerexic. I thought the whole time this peractin is not working! Well since 6 weeks ago he has gained about 5 pounds! He barely gains that in a year. He is actually hungry-- he has NEVER had an appetite EVER. So I can say "yes" now it seems to be working. He was on the peractin about 2 yrs ago and he was a total grump and I did have to take him off because it wasn't working. I don't know why it seems to work now and not then. Also he takes 2 tsp. 4 times a day. So that is 8 tsp a day.



New member
My son has been on Peractin now for about 4 months and during that time they also had him on adderall so he could focus in school. We took him off adderall 6 weeks ago because he actually lost 2 pounds and the adderall made him depressed, moody, anerexic. I thought the whole time this peractin is not working! Well since 6 weeks ago he has gained about 5 pounds! He barely gains that in a year. He is actually hungry-- he has NEVER had an appetite EVER. So I can say "yes" now it seems to be working. He was on the peractin about 2 yrs ago and he was a total grump and I did have to take him off because it wasn't working. I don't know why it seems to work now and not then. Also he takes 2 tsp. 4 times a day. So that is 8 tsp a day.



New member
My son has been on Peractin now for about 4 months and during that time they also had him on adderall so he could focus in school. We took him off adderall 6 weeks ago because he actually lost 2 pounds and the adderall made him depressed, moody, anerexic. I thought the whole time this peractin is not working! Well since 6 weeks ago he has gained about 5 pounds! He barely gains that in a year. He is actually hungry-- he has NEVER had an appetite EVER. So I can say "yes" now it seems to be working. He was on the peractin about 2 yrs ago and he was a total grump and I did have to take him off because it wasn't working. I don't know why it seems to work now and not then. Also he takes 2 tsp. 4 times a day. So that is 8 tsp a day.



New member
My son has been on Peractin now for about 4 months and during that time they also had him on adderall so he could focus in school. We took him off adderall 6 weeks ago because he actually lost 2 pounds and the adderall made him depressed, moody, anerexic. I thought the whole time this peractin is not working! Well since 6 weeks ago he has gained about 5 pounds! He barely gains that in a year. He is actually hungry-- he has NEVER had an appetite EVER. So I can say "yes" now it seems to be working. He was on the peractin about 2 yrs ago and he was a total grump and I did have to take him off because it wasn't working. I don't know why it seems to work now and not then. Also he takes 2 tsp. 4 times a day. So that is 8 tsp a day.
<br />
<br />Fourkidsmom


New member
My daughter (5) has done 2 "rounds" of it. The first time she took it, within a couple of hours she said "I am hungry" words that we NEVER hear her say! She gained 1.5 pounds during this month.

The second "round" the only side effect we noticed was MAJOR drowsiness and we stopped giving it to her.

Apparently the drug looses its appetite stimulant effectiveness after 3-4 weeks, so my daughters docter prescribed her to take it for 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off.


New member
My daughter (5) has done 2 "rounds" of it. The first time she took it, within a couple of hours she said "I am hungry" words that we NEVER hear her say! She gained 1.5 pounds during this month.

The second "round" the only side effect we noticed was MAJOR drowsiness and we stopped giving it to her.

Apparently the drug looses its appetite stimulant effectiveness after 3-4 weeks, so my daughters docter prescribed her to take it for 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off.


New member
My daughter (5) has done 2 "rounds" of it. The first time she took it, within a couple of hours she said "I am hungry" words that we NEVER hear her say! She gained 1.5 pounds during this month.

The second "round" the only side effect we noticed was MAJOR drowsiness and we stopped giving it to her.

Apparently the drug looses its appetite stimulant effectiveness after 3-4 weeks, so my daughters docter prescribed her to take it for 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off.


New member
My daughter (5) has done 2 "rounds" of it. The first time she took it, within a couple of hours she said "I am hungry" words that we NEVER hear her say! She gained 1.5 pounds during this month.

The second "round" the only side effect we noticed was MAJOR drowsiness and we stopped giving it to her.

Apparently the drug looses its appetite stimulant effectiveness after 3-4 weeks, so my daughters docter prescribed her to take it for 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off.


New member
My daughter (5) has done 2 "rounds" of it. The first time she took it, within a couple of hours she said "I am hungry" words that we NEVER hear her say! She gained 1.5 pounds during this month.
<br />
<br />The second "round" the only side effect we noticed was MAJOR drowsiness and we stopped giving it to her.
<br />
<br />Apparently the drug looses its appetite stimulant effectiveness after 3-4 weeks, so my daughters docter prescribed her to take it for 4 weeks on then 4 weeks off.


New member
My son's prescription is to take it 15-20 minutes before the meal. My understanding is that it is not one of those drugs that have to be in your system for a few days or weeks before it becomes effective. It's pretty much you take it, you get hungry, it wears off and then you're not hungry anymore. Prior to the next meal you start the process again.It didn't really help my son's appetite that much and it was making him too tired (would fall asleep right after eating) so we discontinued it.


New member
My son's prescription is to take it 15-20 minutes before the meal. My understanding is that it is not one of those drugs that have to be in your system for a few days or weeks before it becomes effective. It's pretty much you take it, you get hungry, it wears off and then you're not hungry anymore. Prior to the next meal you start the process again.It didn't really help my son's appetite that much and it was making him too tired (would fall asleep right after eating) so we discontinued it.


New member
My son's prescription is to take it 15-20 minutes before the meal. My understanding is that it is not one of those drugs that have to be in your system for a few days or weeks before it becomes effective. It's pretty much you take it, you get hungry, it wears off and then you're not hungry anymore. Prior to the next meal you start the process again.It didn't really help my son's appetite that much and it was making him too tired (would fall asleep right after eating) so we discontinued it.


New member
My son's prescription is to take it 15-20 minutes before the meal. My understanding is that it is not one of those drugs that have to be in your system for a few days or weeks before it becomes effective. It's pretty much you take it, you get hungry, it wears off and then you're not hungry anymore. Prior to the next meal you start the process again.It didn't really help my son's appetite that much and it was making him too tired (would fall asleep right after eating) so we discontinued it.


New member
<p>My son's prescription is to take it 15-20 minutes before the meal. My understanding is that it is not one of those drugs that have to be in your system for a few days or weeks before it becomes effective. It's pretty much you take it, you get hungry, it wears off and then you're not hungry anymore. Prior to the next meal you start the process again.<p>It didn't really help my son's appetite that much and it was making him too tired (would fall asleep right after eating) so we discontinued it.