Persistent MRSA


New member
Allrighty CF experts, a question for you:

DS has CF. He cultured MRSA when he was 6. He is now 15. It was not bothersome for the first 6 years. It seems to have upped its game over the past 3 years or so. He was inpatiented last year to knock it back (iv vanco & meropenum). He was inpatiented again this year in March (IV vanco & amikacin) to knock it back again. Neither of these hospitalizations has had a profound effect on deterring the MRSA--a wee 5 weeks out post PICC & IVs the MRSA is already rearing its ugly head and causing trouble.

Has anybody had over-ambitious MRSA and successfully put it back into a passive state? If so, what, specifically, worked? We are anxious that the hospitalizations have not done much to help...



I have Mrsa and the last few years have been rough. My mrsa has grown immune to a lot of the drugs out there and I am allergic to penicillin type drugs. I have to be desensitized to them and hope I don't have a reaction each time. A drug called ZYVOX used to be great for me but again my MRSA has grown immune. The next generation ZYVOX was just approved by FDA that is supposed to work on all the original Zyvox won't. Not at this time availible to use.(they have to make it and supply it)


Active member
Yes. A 3 wk cocktail of IV vanco, ceftaz, tobra, and oral zyvox kicked it way down. It was brutal to go through. But it broke a bad 2 yr cycle I had been in. Infectious disease orchestrated the regimen and my Cf team oversaw.
Hope you find answers that work for you!


My 16 yo son has been struggling with aggressive MRSA for about 5 years. I do believe we have tried every oral drug out there that affects MRSA. After three 4 wk courses of IV vanco,IV Tobramycin and IV Ceftaz last year we seem to have hit on a regimen of orals that are at least keeping him stable.(He also cultures psuedo and stenotrophomonas.)
He does 4 weeks of doxycycline, bactrim, and inhaled vanco, then switches to zyvox, fosfomycin and TOBI, back and forth for as long as it works.
Rifampin has helped some people, just not my son. We'll add some cipro if he seems to be doing worse. After that, it's back to IVs.
Last year he tried an IV called tigecycline, but it was not effective and made him nauseous.
It has taken alot of patience and trial and error to find something that works (for now.) So just keep at it and best of luck!


New member
I've had MRSA for about 15 years, and it's become very very aggressive in the last 4 years or so. I have been trying my best to avoid being on antibiotics as much as possible, bc they wreak havoc on the whole body, esp. the liver, kidneys, and microbiome, but anytime I was off abx, I would have fevers, fatigue, tons of mucus, etc. This has been going on for about 4 years. In attempts to minimize risk of abx-resistance, I was doing a month on of bactrim+minocycline (doxy doesn't work for me anymore) and a month off (and I felt like crap for a month but I endured, knowing nothing else to do). Inhaled abx do nothing for me and I hate zyvox, gives me horrible side effects (but it does work). I've been going into the hospital for a clean out with vanco every 3 months or so, but last time it put me in kidney failure. Needless to say, I'm looking for alternatives to this abx dependency arms race.

And I've found it, I think. About 3 months ago I started inhaling essential oils and the results have been miraculous! Mucus is much decreased, way less coughing, energy is back, I'm gaining weight again, no more night sweats, no more asthmatic spasmy cough, etc. It is truly incredible. And I don't have to blast my body with poisons! I feel as good as I do on vanco but there are no side effects and I can stay on this for way longer. My FEV1 is now as high as it was after 10 days of vanco. Plus the risk of abx resistance is thousands of times smaller than for pharmaceutical abx. I discuss what I did in detail and back up my experience with much scientific research on my website:


New member
Had MRSA for 8 years requiring IV antibiotics every 3 months for several years. Now GONE and no IVs in 6 years.
Here's how: septra every day for 1 month alternating with doxycyline daily for 1 month. This regimen for last 6 years. In other words ALWAYS on oral antibiotics. Lung function went from 80% 6 years ago to over 100% now.