*NEW* PFT Goal's thread. Trying to hit that magic 60% FEV1.
Originally posted by: markinohio I'm just going to throw this out there, but are you concerned this might be overkill. You seem to be bombarding your lungs with many treatments at the same time. It appears you've done quite a bit of research about the medicines and supplements you are taking. Are you worried about long term affects of all these medications? You seem to be looking for a quick fix to repair your damaged lungs. I'm by no means a medical expert, just a guy who has lived 43 years with this dreaded disease. I hope you achieve the goals you are looking for, share the results and we can all live a longer happier life. I don't mean to sound negative, I'm just concerned for a fellow CFer. Good luck. Mark
I can understand what you are saying Mark. To clarify I have done a lot of research, some of these things that I am just starting to impliment now I have been researching for over 8 months day after day, from the minute I quit work to focus on my health last August. To ask me if I am worried about the long term effects of things that are most natural or GRAS I'd say no not at all. I have researched the possible side-effects of everything. Now if you asked me am I worried about the long term side-effects of actual approved CF drugs, I will tell you yes without a doubt! I already have moderate heaing loss from Tobra, and have had other negative effects from things.
I have been lucky not to of had kidney or liver problems, but there are a fair amount of CFers (a lot that don't post here and are young) that have liver and kidney issues from toxic "approved" drugs. Just because drugs are approved doesn't mean they are safe, it just means they didn't kill massive amounts of test subjects during the trials. I'm sure you like I have read the warnings and side-effects of many of the drugs you and I take/have taken. The natural things I'm doing have NOTHING in comparison to those. I'd say prospectivly the most dangerous natural thing I have done was the silver and I didn't have any negative effects from it. I say that only because it's a metal that is not an essential metal to the body.
By all means to everyone else reading, if I have conveyed that I think I am going to come across a "quick fix" believe that, this is farthest from the truth. What takes 22 years worth to create in damage can not be undone in a matter of days or weeks. Except by the hand of God. Rather I expect any gains I do see to take months to years in the full spectrum of things.
I appreciate your concern as it has also given me a chance to address some of the things others may have been also wondering themselves but didn't nessicarily want to ask. Thanks! Best of luck to you and may you live many more years!