PFT Questions


New member
Hey there i was wondering how often everyone does PFT's.. DO you dothem quarterly t every clinic visit.. Or maybe just 2 x a year?? Or even once a year.. Im just wondering because they ask us when we check in at every visit which is every 3 months if we do PFT's then they send us over.. I soo wish we could spread visits out!! Killer on the bank account!!!! Let me know what your clinics do!


New member
Hey there i was wondering how often everyone does PFT's.. DO you dothem quarterly t every clinic visit.. Or maybe just 2 x a year?? Or even once a year.. Im just wondering because they ask us when we check in at every visit which is every 3 months if we do PFT's then they send us over.. I soo wish we could spread visits out!! Killer on the bank account!!!! Let me know what your clinics do!


New member
Hey there i was wondering how often everyone does PFT's.. DO you dothem quarterly t every clinic visit.. Or maybe just 2 x a year?? Or even once a year.. Im just wondering because they ask us when we check in at every visit which is every 3 months if we do PFT's then they send us over.. I soo wish we could spread visits out!! Killer on the bank account!!!! Let me know what your clinics do!


New member
Hey there i was wondering how often everyone does PFT's.. DO you dothem quarterly t every clinic visit.. Or maybe just 2 x a year?? Or even once a year.. Im just wondering because they ask us when we check in at every visit which is every 3 months if we do PFT's then they send us over.. I soo wish we could spread visits out!! Killer on the bank account!!!! Let me know what your clinics do!


New member
Hey there i was wondering how often everyone does PFT's.. DO you dothem quarterly t every clinic visit.. Or maybe just 2 x a year?? Or even once a year.. Im just wondering because they ask us when we check in at every visit which is every 3 months if we do PFT's then they send us over.. I soo wish we could spread visits out!! Killer on the bank account!!!! Let me know what your clinics do!


New member
We go to the clinic bi-weekly or monthly if things are going "good"...they do PFT's each time we are there. I so long for visits every three


New member
We go to the clinic bi-weekly or monthly if things are going "good"...they do PFT's each time we are there. I so long for visits every three


New member
We go to the clinic bi-weekly or monthly if things are going "good"...they do PFT's each time we are there. I so long for visits every three


New member
We go to the clinic bi-weekly or monthly if things are going "good"...they do PFT's each time we are there. I so long for visits every three


New member
We go to the clinic bi-weekly or monthly if things are going "good"...they do PFT's each time we are there. I so long for visits every three


i do them everytime i go. whether it's 3 months or if i'm sick and have to go back in like 2 weeks i do them. man i wish i didn't have to i hate doing them!


i do them everytime i go. whether it's 3 months or if i'm sick and have to go back in like 2 weeks i do them. man i wish i didn't have to i hate doing them!


i do them everytime i go. whether it's 3 months or if i'm sick and have to go back in like 2 weeks i do them. man i wish i didn't have to i hate doing them!


i do them everytime i go. whether it's 3 months or if i'm sick and have to go back in like 2 weeks i do them. man i wish i didn't have to i hate doing them!


i do them everytime i go. whether it's 3 months or if i'm sick and have to go back in like 2 weeks i do them. man i wish i didn't have to i hate doing them!