PFT Test Results


New member
Maybe what I've heard is wrong, but two CF clinics I've visited have told me different CF clinics can and do use different "expected outcomes" based on the region, etc. It all depends which they plug into their machines as to what the "predicted" should be for someone of your height, weight, race, etc.

I dont' know why I would have been told something different than what ya'll mentioned, and I have no idea which of the "two" these clinics used, but I have the luxury of having my PFT reports all in hard copy in my filing cabinet and when I look, even though I'm at the same weight and height and age, the different clinics DO in fact predict me at very different numbers (even when I have similar liters). Odd. Actually, when comparing previous predicted outcomes and what my actual liters were, I would have been considered much sicker at a previous clinic than what I would be at my current clinic, even when taking into account age.

They've always (every clinic I've been seen at) told me percentages are very rough predictions and to get actual indication of lung health and FEV1 you MUST look at the actual liters you blow out, etc. The raw number (i.e. 1.5, 2.3, etc.), as that is something that you CAN track from center to center, while predicted FEV1 is not. Does that make sense? Its always made perfect sense to me and also makes me always keep a more open eye to the liters and NOT necessarily just on FEV1 when charting my disease progression. But, that's just what I've heard and SEEN on MY particular medical reports.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Maybe what I've heard is wrong, but two CF clinics I've visited have told me different CF clinics can and do use different "expected outcomes" based on the region, etc. It all depends which they plug into their machines as to what the "predicted" should be for someone of your height, weight, race, etc.

I dont' know why I would have been told something different than what ya'll mentioned, and I have no idea which of the "two" these clinics used, but I have the luxury of having my PFT reports all in hard copy in my filing cabinet and when I look, even though I'm at the same weight and height and age, the different clinics DO in fact predict me at very different numbers (even when I have similar liters). Odd. Actually, when comparing previous predicted outcomes and what my actual liters were, I would have been considered much sicker at a previous clinic than what I would be at my current clinic, even when taking into account age.

They've always (every clinic I've been seen at) told me percentages are very rough predictions and to get actual indication of lung health and FEV1 you MUST look at the actual liters you blow out, etc. The raw number (i.e. 1.5, 2.3, etc.), as that is something that you CAN track from center to center, while predicted FEV1 is not. Does that make sense? Its always made perfect sense to me and also makes me always keep a more open eye to the liters and NOT necessarily just on FEV1 when charting my disease progression. But, that's just what I've heard and SEEN on MY particular medical reports.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
When I moved from the pedieatric clinic to the adult clinic, my FEV1 went from being in the 90s to the 70s and my doctor told me that it wasn't really that much of a drop in numbers, but they the two clinics measure differently.


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member
I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this one with a Yes. I have experienced this change in percentages even though I had similar values from center to center. I think it had to do with how they measured the values at one center and the other centers had me do the tests differently than I had been used to in the past - as Mel said.

Overall I have been to 4-5 different places for PFTs pre transplant. Three of those places were clinics and two of those clinics were CF clinics. The non CF clinic and first CF clinic were different because they measured predicted values using a different method (according to the tech) and the last CF center was different because they had me alter the PFT technique I was used too.

Take Care,


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!


New member

Everyone was correct :)

There is a difference between pediatrics and adults and most places measure with the Knudson (1983) standard after age 14 years - so my son's measurements at both facilities both say Knudson on the paperwork.

Yes, each facility has slightly different numbers pre-set in the computer for the "predicted" so there were some very small differences there, which I am assuming changed his % predicted numbers a little bit.

Yes, the encouragement (or lack of) from the therapist can make a difference. My son also felt it was more comfortable to sit down (something that was not offered in Seattle) The RT did an excellent job of explaining what to do and encouraging my son during the tests.

I didn't have both facility's paper work in front of me to compare every little detail when I was there, but in general the facility today had all of their predicted numbers set a tiny bit lower than our old facility. His % predicted was lower than before. Overall, we saw an across the board drop in PFT's (which confirmed my suspicions) that we needed to start pursuing some treatments for him. I think a small portion of the drop may be due to their settings being different, but I'm not going to get hung up on it - it's not enough to worry about. We have many other indicates to go from that tell me what I need to know -- we need to get more aggressive with his treatment in order to get his PFT's up.

He will start Advair, Pulmozyme, H-Saline, get a vest and will pursue full allergy testing next week. I am impressed with this doctor in Bismarck so far!