PFT's in litres ... Please Answer


New member
Thanks guys ........ What are ur fvc's also just for topic interest .... hers is 3.2 I think........ My FVC is about a litre from my fev1 also !

My height (not my sister) .... 5 foot 7

FEV1 in litres ...... 2.3 dont know in % as I get it took off community nurse
FVC ........ 3.24

Ok ...... So if ppl reply we could get an interesting Topic started.

Also could someone explain how i do this .

VC = 0.1321*Height(inches) - 0.018*Age(years) - 4.360 [Women]

also Im male so .......??


New member
The percentage is dependent upon your age and your sex, not just your height. When i blew 1.85l FEV1 this equated to a %age of 63%. I am 155.5cm tall (61.25 inches), female and 23. <br><br>
My sister blew 2.65 is also 23 and is 62 inches. Her % is 91%
However in terms of FVC i wouldn't like to say as i have found it is majorly different when measured in the UK and the USA, but the FEV1 doesn't change. Fev1 is more important for assessing lung function anyway.
Hope that helps any



New member
The percentage is dependent upon your age and your sex, not just your height. When i blew 1.85l FEV1 this equated to a %age of 63%. I am 155.5cm tall (61.25 inches), female and 23. <br><br>
My sister blew 2.65 is also 23 and is 62 inches. Her % is 91%
However in terms of FVC i wouldn't like to say as i have found it is majorly different when measured in the UK and the USA, but the FEV1 doesn't change. Fev1 is more important for assessing lung function anyway.
Hope that helps any



New member
The percentage is dependent upon your age and your sex, not just your height. When i blew 1.85l FEV1 this equated to a %age of 63%. I am 155.5cm tall (61.25 inches), female and 23. <br><br>
My sister blew 2.65 is also 23 and is 62 inches. Her % is 91%
However in terms of FVC i wouldn't like to say as i have found it is majorly different when measured in the UK and the USA, but the FEV1 doesn't change. Fev1 is more important for assessing lung function anyway.
Hope that helps any
