New member
Reece did his very 1st PFT Friday. His score was 62%. That was his best one. My question is what is considered good/poor? We were NOT given a guideline as what to go by. BUT this was his 1st time AND he is only 3. They just wanted to see what he could do & just get ready for the real thing when he turns 4 this summer. ( Or maybe not) They said he did not blow as long as they thought he could also. Just wondering what exactly is a PFT too. I know its to test the function of your lungs but what else if anything? Thanks!<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">
Leah mommy 2 Reece w/ CF


New member
62 just what it sounds like... 62. 100 being full use of the lungs (though some people do go over 100), 0 being none. So it's a little higher than the middle. The thing I would hazard to guess is that Reece, being as young as he is, scored that low simply because he doesn't know how to do it yet. Younger kids tend to do poorly on PFTs until they get the hang of it. So I wouldn't take those numbers to heart too much.

Edit: Sorry, the start of that sounded kind of rude when I reread it. Wasn't the purpose. Just explaining that it's not some oddball number system, it's percents like you would think of it anywhere else. :)


Super Moderator
As far as what the numbers actually mean, this is what I have been told.

90% and above are normal (although you can have mild lung damage and still score in the normal range)
70% to 89% considered mild lung disease
40% to 69% considered moderate lung disease
everything under is considered severe lung disease

I have posted on the PFT's before and read many other posts about them. Parents have said that their children tell them they are very hard to do. My daughter was recently diagnosed and has only had to do them 3 times. She is 8 years old, but I think she is still learning how to do them. So I'm sure as he gets older and learns how to do the test the numbers will go up.


New member
What exactly was the 62% scored in? There are many components of the test. Was this the FEV1? Our pulmonologist has always told us not to read too much into PFT's because they vary not only related to lung function - but, also related to whether or not you are doing the test right & your overall mood or health at the time you are doing the test.



FEV1 normals are as follows:

>80% normal
67%-79% mild
55%-66% moderate
>55% Severe

I would not put to much stock into the current "low" score. PFT's are largely effected by effort and "understanding" and a 3 year old's first PFT can not be "ideal" in either of those factors.

Luke, RRT


New member
My daughter is 7yo and she has been doing pft's for 3 yrs. and still learning. Please be patient, and his scores will change with practice. It is great that you started introducing him to them! Did he use a computer or go in the box? Kaylee hasn't gone in the box yet? Make sure you ask the RT's to explain it before you leave they shouldn't mind.
Marisa- Kaylee's mom & 7yo. w/cf


New member
There are a number of systems which physicians use to determine the severity of disease. Here is just one way that is very commonly used :

Normal PFT Outcomes - > 85 % of predicted values
Mild Disease - > 65 % but < 85 % of predicted values
Moderate Disease - > 50 % but < 65 % of predicted values
Severe Disease - < 50 % of predicted values

Still different numbers than the above. I guess it goes to show you that all the doctors have a different way to rate the PFT's. Just remember they are just a number that gives the doctor information about your lung health, they are NOT the total picture.


New member
If my Pft's were 50 or 55, i sure wouldnt feel like i had severe lung disease. At the moment, they are 41%, and I dont. My point is that regardless of when Reece starts to do PFT's continuously, dont live your life by the numbers. They are a good baseline and way of looking at things, but they can also vary differently from person to person. I remember when I was running everyday at 50 FEV1, someone with a 70 FEV1 said they could never imagine it all depends..



New member
Mine used to be 42 percent now there like 86 percent which i think 62 is about normal for a cf patient. does reece have a mild case of cf?


New member
when i first started doing them about 1.5 years ago i was gettin liek 20% and i was totally panacing but like most ppl on hear have said it dose take a while to get used to them. now it has takin me ages to get used to i am in the 80's now.


New member
Thx for all the replies. I knew I could count on yall. Reece has severe damage to his LLL. His UR & UL have mild damage. He did his PFT with the computer. What a great way to get kids to try their best. I dont know what FEV1s are, sry. Maybe I will look it up today...I have a great book by Dr. Orenstein. I never understood mild or severe cases.....If you have CF then you have CF was my understanding. Yeah I know some ppl dont do as many meds or CPT as others but you STILL have CF.