My husband and I have wonderful 3 yr old twin boys, one is a carrier and one has CF. We would like to have another child and are exploring PGD as an option. The IVF center that we plan to use works with Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago for the pgd portion. Has anyone went through this process with RGI? If so, please tell me about your experience in working with RGI. I'm also interested in knowing how many of you have had success in getting insurance coverage for pgd. Thanks so much!
My husband and I have wonderful 3 yr old twin boys, one is a carrier and one has CF. We would like to have another child and are exploring PGD as an option. The IVF center that we plan to use works with Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago for the pgd portion. Has anyone went through this process with RGI? If so, please tell me about your experience in working with RGI. I'm also interested in knowing how many of you have had success in getting insurance coverage for pgd. Thanks so much!
My husband and I have wonderful 3 yr old twin boys, one is a carrier and one has CF. We would like to have another child and are exploring PGD as an option. The IVF center that we plan to use works with Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago for the pgd portion. Has anyone went through this process with RGI? If so, please tell me about your experience in working with RGI. I'm also interested in knowing how many of you have had success in getting insurance coverage for pgd. Thanks so much!
My husband and I have wonderful 3 yr old twin boys, one is a carrier and one has CF. We would like to have another child and are exploring PGD as an option. The IVF center that we plan to use works with Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago for the pgd portion. Has anyone went through this process with RGI? If so, please tell me about your experience in working with RGI. I'm also interested in knowing how many of you have had success in getting insurance coverage for pgd. Thanks so much!
My husband and I have wonderful 3 yr old twin boys, one is a carrier and one has CF. We would like to have another child and are exploring PGD as an option. The IVF center that we plan to use works with Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago for the pgd portion. Has anyone went through this process with RGI? If so, please tell me about your experience in working with RGI. I'm also interested in knowing how many of you have had success in getting insurance coverage for pgd. Thanks so much!


We used IVF/PGD to have our second child, without CF. Insurance would not cover it even after many appeals. We used Genesis Genetics in Michigan with Dr Hughes who invented PGD. I would check that out as well. He is amazing! Best of luck.

Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin,2 without CF


We used IVF/PGD to have our second child, without CF. Insurance would not cover it even after many appeals. We used Genesis Genetics in Michigan with Dr Hughes who invented PGD. I would check that out as well. He is amazing! Best of luck.

Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin,2 without CF


We used IVF/PGD to have our second child, without CF. Insurance would not cover it even after many appeals. We used Genesis Genetics in Michigan with Dr Hughes who invented PGD. I would check that out as well. He is amazing! Best of luck.

Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin,2 without CF


We used IVF/PGD to have our second child, without CF. Insurance would not cover it even after many appeals. We used Genesis Genetics in Michigan with Dr Hughes who invented PGD. I would check that out as well. He is amazing! Best of luck.

Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin,2 without CF


We used IVF/PGD to have our second child, without CF. Insurance would not cover it even after many appeals. We used Genesis Genetics in Michigan with Dr Hughes who invented PGD. I would check that out as well. He is amazing! Best of luck.
<br />
<br />Megan, mom to Aidan 4 with CF and Gavin,2 without CF
Hi Megan,

Thanks for the information. We did receive approval for a portion of our pgd. We still expect to have a large portion of out of pocket expense since our coverage has a cap on the IVF/PGD procedure. RGI has been great to work with so far, we are excited to get the process started!
Hi Megan,

Thanks for the information. We did receive approval for a portion of our pgd. We still expect to have a large portion of out of pocket expense since our coverage has a cap on the IVF/PGD procedure. RGI has been great to work with so far, we are excited to get the process started!
Hi Megan,

Thanks for the information. We did receive approval for a portion of our pgd. We still expect to have a large portion of out of pocket expense since our coverage has a cap on the IVF/PGD procedure. RGI has been great to work with so far, we are excited to get the process started!
Hi Megan,

Thanks for the information. We did receive approval for a portion of our pgd. We still expect to have a large portion of out of pocket expense since our coverage has a cap on the IVF/PGD procedure. RGI has been great to work with so far, we are excited to get the process started!
Hi Megan,
<br />
<br />Thanks for the information. We did receive approval for a portion of our pgd. We still expect to have a large portion of out of pocket expense since our coverage has a cap on the IVF/PGD procedure. RGI has been great to work with so far, we are excited to get the process started!


New member
I don't have any direct experience with PGD, but I know that RGI is who my OB send patients to (I am in Indianapolis so it is 3 hours from here). She said they are amazing.


New member
I don't have any direct experience with PGD, but I know that RGI is who my OB send patients to (I am in Indianapolis so it is 3 hours from here). She said they are amazing.


New member
I don't have any direct experience with PGD, but I know that RGI is who my OB send patients to (I am in Indianapolis so it is 3 hours from here). She said they are amazing.


New member
I don't have any direct experience with PGD, but I know that RGI is who my OB send patients to (I am in Indianapolis so it is 3 hours from here). She said they are amazing.


New member
I don't have any direct experience with PGD, but I know that RGI is who my OB send patients to (I am in Indianapolis so it is 3 hours from here). She said they are amazing.