Physio on babies


New member
Talk to your RT if you think you're not doing it right, but I wouldn't worry too much about the fact that it doesn't make your daughter cough. I asked my doc about this same thing, because Vinny doesn't cough when I do CPT. He said he's still very young and just doesn't have a lot of junk in there to cough up. And even if it did move some junk around and cause a little cough, he's not old enough to cough it up and spit it out, he'd prob just swallow it. But thats just my son's doc, your daughter's could think differently.

Also, I'm not sure if this is an option because I didn't nurse, but if Vinny was giving me trouble because he wanted a bottle, I'd give him like half and then do cpt and then give him the other half. But he didn't have any issues with spitting up or reflux like some babies with cf do. Hope some of this helps!


LOL at the thought of screaming the Halelujah chorus, but I have
found that singing does engage her for a minute or two.
   I can't believe I'm saying this, but I look
forward to when she'll show an interest in the tv!!!


My boy is almost 2 1/2. He was diagnosed at 8 month, we did manual percussions and with a phlegm fighter (sp?) til he was 19 months and he got the vest. We got the phlegm fighter machine on ebay and it worked really well. He has always been really mellow and as long as the tv is on something he likes he doesn't have a problem with percussions. I think we may be especially lucky, he even holds his own nebulizer for up to 25 minutes. He never coughed with percussions except sometimes with pulmozyme and now only when we do hypertonic saline. We think the saline is great! Now that he's using the vest, he can stand up and dance to videos, or play with toys on his little table, or once we even frosted sugar cookies! He always swallows what he coughs up. Getting the timing right is always hard. I would maybe shorten the two hour waiting period and see if you have a reflux problem? Best of luck!