We were fortunate and my daughter had the opportunity to try on all 3 vest companies equipment Smartvest, The Vest, and Respirtec inCourage. My daughter chose The Vest. The Smart Vest weighed quite a bit more than the other 2 companies. At 12 she would not have been able to move it to a different room or pack it herself for a sleepover. The Respirtec inCourage vibrated and the air moved through the vest versus inflating and staying that way. This process made my daughter quite sick to her stomach. I have read postings from adults that they feel the inCourage clears more mucus. The inCourage also looked like a PC and was more difficult to carry than The Vest which looks like a larger CD player. They all came with their own suitcase on wheels for traveling. The inCourage had clips so the hoses don't come off. That seems important with a toddler moving around, but not for an adult. The Vest hoses do come off at times, but it is an easy fix. Overall she really likes The Vest.
Best wishes