Oh picc lines! My favorite topic! I'm 19 and have had them twice in the last two years. They really aren't that bad. I remember the first time i heard about them I thought to myself, "There is no way i am going to let them do that to me!" But I did. My veins are very sensitive. Even with radiology they had to settle with a midline the first time. And it only lasted a few days because the meds that cfers get can be very caustic to the veins. They don't like that, and they will let you know. Nurses upon nurses tried to get a picc line in me, and it didn't work. I eventually had to be sedated a bit. It was weird. Eventually I was totally okay with the procedure, but my veins weren't. Even with that IV my arm still ached until the course of meds was finished.The next time I had a Picc inserted they sedated me a bit more. I must admit, it was the most enjoyable piccline placement I've ever had. Only my vein liked it so much that time, that it decided it didn't want to give it up<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was sent home with it halfway dangling from my arm the day I went to have it removed. And the best part was that I had to conduct part of a band concert that night. Fun times! Anyway, they really aren't anything to be afraid of, and they don't get in the way too much of everyday life, especially since you can do your own medicine at home. Don't worry about it.