PICC dressing changes?


New member
I got my 4th PICC ever in on Friday. You would think I would remember this but how often do you get a dressing change?
I know if it gets wet it needs to be changed.
I was thinking it needed to be done 48 hours after insertion but I have not heard from home health about them coming out. Hmmm. They really only need to come out for dressing changes and blood draws. I got started with meds and all, by myself.


New member
I got my 4th PICC ever in on Friday. You would think I would remember this but how often do you get a dressing change?
I know if it gets wet it needs to be changed.
I was thinking it needed to be done 48 hours after insertion but I have not heard from home health about them coming out. Hmmm. They really only need to come out for dressing changes and blood draws. I got started with meds and all, by myself.


New member
I got my 4th PICC ever in on Friday. You would think I would remember this but how often do you get a dressing change?
I know if it gets wet it needs to be changed.
I was thinking it needed to be done 48 hours after insertion but I have not heard from home health about them coming out. Hmmm. They really only need to come out for dressing changes and blood draws. I got started with meds and all, by myself.


New member
I got my 4th PICC ever in on Friday. You would think I would remember this but how often do you get a dressing change?
I know if it gets wet it needs to be changed.
I was thinking it needed to be done 48 hours after insertion but I have not heard from home health about them coming out. Hmmm. They really only need to come out for dressing changes and blood draws. I got started with meds and all, by myself.


New member
I got my 4th PICC ever in on Friday. You would think I would remember this but how often do you get a dressing change?
<br />I know if it gets wet it needs to be changed.
<br />I was thinking it needed to be done 48 hours after insertion but I have not heard from home health about them coming out. Hmmm. They really only need to come out for dressing changes and blood draws. I got started with meds and all, by myself.


New member
When I had picc lines they usually changed the dressing 24 hours after insertion and then once a week. If I was itchy, they would change it more often.

Take care,
34 wcf


New member
When I had picc lines they usually changed the dressing 24 hours after insertion and then once a week. If I was itchy, they would change it more often.

Take care,
34 wcf


New member
When I had picc lines they usually changed the dressing 24 hours after insertion and then once a week. If I was itchy, they would change it more often.

Take care,
34 wcf


New member
When I had picc lines they usually changed the dressing 24 hours after insertion and then once a week. If I was itchy, they would change it more often.

Take care,
34 wcf


New member
When I had picc lines they usually changed the dressing 24 hours after insertion and then once a week. If I was itchy, they would change it more often.
<br />
<br />Take care,
<br />Michelle
<br />34 wcf


New member
The protocol that we go by at the hospital that I work at is every 48-72 hours, which is also what I have always been told when I have had them. I usually go to our local hospital here to the ER which also works as a sort of outpatient IV clinic to get my dressings changed.
Marisa RN, 22 w/cf


New member
The protocol that we go by at the hospital that I work at is every 48-72 hours, which is also what I have always been told when I have had them. I usually go to our local hospital here to the ER which also works as a sort of outpatient IV clinic to get my dressings changed.
Marisa RN, 22 w/cf


New member
The protocol that we go by at the hospital that I work at is every 48-72 hours, which is also what I have always been told when I have had them. I usually go to our local hospital here to the ER which also works as a sort of outpatient IV clinic to get my dressings changed.
Marisa RN, 22 w/cf


New member
The protocol that we go by at the hospital that I work at is every 48-72 hours, which is also what I have always been told when I have had them. I usually go to our local hospital here to the ER which also works as a sort of outpatient IV clinic to get my dressings changed.
Marisa RN, 22 w/cf


New member
The protocol that we go by at the hospital that I work at is every 48-72 hours, which is also what I have always been told when I have had them. I usually go to our local hospital here to the ER which also works as a sort of outpatient IV clinic to get my dressings changed.
<br />Marisa RN, 22 w/cf