Picc line at home or in hospital


New member
My hospital is over 2 hours away from me and I live in the middle of mowhere in the country, I also dont have someone to help me all the time so if I want anything I gotta pretty much do it myself, these are pretty much the other reasons I havent thought about it, but ive heard of some people having IV for quite a long time,I think once I start showing improvment in there and im sure this time im getting the right meds i'll come home,thing is last time I went in I was there for 2 weeks and i just got worse.I have a feeling this might be a long stay, im just a worrier,I worry im taking up a bed someone else needs >.<
<br />but imma do whatever it takes to get better this time, I just got Dance Dance Revolution for my PS3 Move and im eager to play it (its amazing excercise lol)


New member
well living that far out i would seriously stay in the hospital...yess sometimes it gets worse when your in the hospital..but CF is very serious and your not TAKING UP A BED...you should never think that way..you never know how unpredictable cf can be lol...keep your head up and maybe you'll get better faster then what ya think..


New member
well living that far out i would seriously stay in the hospital...yess sometimes it gets worse when your in the hospital..but CF is very serious and your not TAKING UP A BED...you should never think that way..you never know how unpredictable cf can be lol...keep your head up and maybe you'll get better faster then what ya think..


New member
well living that far out i would seriously stay in the hospital...yess sometimes it gets worse when your in the hospital..but CF is very serious and your not TAKING UP A BED...you should never think that way..you never know how unpredictable cf can be lol...keep your head up and maybe you'll get better faster then what ya think..


New member
I choose inpatient so I can get 4x per day manual cpt. For me, it's more effective than the vest, and if I'm doing picc meds for 2 weeks I want to get the most out of my clean out.


New member
I choose inpatient so I can get 4x per day manual cpt. For me, it's more effective than the vest, and if I'm doing picc meds for 2 weeks I want to get the most out of my clean out.


New member
I choose inpatient so I can get 4x per day manual cpt. For me, it's more effective than the vest, and if I'm doing picc meds for 2 weeks I want to get the most out of my clean out.


New member
I choose inpatient. I did 6 week in college at home and it about did me in... too exhausting. I did 5 days in the hospital and then 2 weeks at home (and outpatient infusion center) and it was way too stressful on me and my family. I am seeing another tune up in my very near future and I am going to requesting doing the entire tune up in the hospital. My son can't stand watching us working with my PICC-- it makes him freaked out. I can't do that to him again.


New member
I choose inpatient. I did 6 week in college at home and it about did me in... too exhausting. I did 5 days in the hospital and then 2 weeks at home (and outpatient infusion center) and it was way too stressful on me and my family. I am seeing another tune up in my very near future and I am going to requesting doing the entire tune up in the hospital. My son can't stand watching us working with my PICC-- it makes him freaked out. I can't do that to him again.


New member
I choose inpatient. I did 6 week in college at home and it about did me in... too exhausting. I did 5 days in the hospital and then 2 weeks at home (and outpatient infusion center) and it was way too stressful on me and my family. I am seeing another tune up in my very near future and I am going to requesting doing the entire tune up in the hospital. My son can't stand watching us working with my PICC-- it makes him freaked out. I can't do that to him again.


New member
Home is the best place for me to get better. Hospitals are notorious for rampid infections...no thank you! I access my port myself, meds get delivered to my doorstep, I drink water all the time to stay hydrated and get food delivered if no one is around to cook for me. I go for a blood draw after a couple days to make sure my levels are good then get blood drawn there after weekly when the nurse comes out and changes my dressing (or watches me do it but bills for it :) I have a lady in town who will work per diem for hand pt. I've had her come daily when I'm in bad shape to supplement the Vest and acapella. I get very depressed being in the hospital. It's not for me. I have a good support system with people bringing me dinner every other day on average. That is how I want to get better with my own peps helping me not some dirty, incompedent nurse.


New member
Home is the best place for me to get better. Hospitals are notorious for rampid infections...no thank you! I access my port myself, meds get delivered to my doorstep, I drink water all the time to stay hydrated and get food delivered if no one is around to cook for me. I go for a blood draw after a couple days to make sure my levels are good then get blood drawn there after weekly when the nurse comes out and changes my dressing (or watches me do it but bills for it :) I have a lady in town who will work per diem for hand pt. I've had her come daily when I'm in bad shape to supplement the Vest and acapella. I get very depressed being in the hospital. It's not for me. I have a good support system with people bringing me dinner every other day on average. That is how I want to get better with my own peps helping me not some dirty, incompedent nurse.


New member
Home is the best place for me to get better. Hospitals are notorious for rampid infections...no thank you! I access my port myself, meds get delivered to my doorstep, I drink water all the time to stay hydrated and get food delivered if no one is around to cook for me. I go for a blood draw after a couple days to make sure my levels are good then get blood drawn there after weekly when the nurse comes out and changes my dressing (or watches me do it but bills for it :) I have a lady in town who will work per diem for hand pt. I've had her come daily when I'm in bad shape to supplement the Vest and acapella. I get very depressed being in the hospital. It's not for me. I have a good support system with people bringing me dinner every other day on average. That is how I want to get better with my own peps helping me not some dirty, incompedent nurse.


New member
I would much rather do them at home. I spend as little time in the hospital as possible. I usually go in for the first 2-3 days and then they release me to home IVs. At home I can get back to my normal routine. I can excerise if I feel up to it on my own equipment. I can sit on my couch or recliner instead of a hospital bed. I can watch my 52 inch tv instead of a 15 inch one..lol..The only thing that I like about the hospital is the 5 or 6am IV med I have to get up and do myself instead of a nurse doing it while I stay asleep. Also the food is much better at home then hospital. I love my doctor and the nurses but nothing beats home for me when I feel under the weather.


New member
I would much rather do them at home. I spend as little time in the hospital as possible. I usually go in for the first 2-3 days and then they release me to home IVs. At home I can get back to my normal routine. I can excerise if I feel up to it on my own equipment. I can sit on my couch or recliner instead of a hospital bed. I can watch my 52 inch tv instead of a 15 inch one..lol..The only thing that I like about the hospital is the 5 or 6am IV med I have to get up and do myself instead of a nurse doing it while I stay asleep. Also the food is much better at home then hospital. I love my doctor and the nurses but nothing beats home for me when I feel under the weather.


New member
I would much rather do them at home. I spend as little time in the hospital as possible. I usually go in for the first 2-3 days and then they release me to home IVs. At home I can get back to my normal routine. I can excerise if I feel up to it on my own equipment. I can sit on my couch or recliner instead of a hospital bed. I can watch my 52 inch tv instead of a 15 inch one..lol..The only thing that I like about the hospital is the 5 or 6am IV med I have to get up and do myself instead of a nurse doing it while I stay asleep. Also the food is much better at home then hospital. I love my doctor and the nurses but nothing beats home for me when I feel under the weather.


I have not been in the hosp. for yrs. I have my port now 9yrs. I wld take home over hosp. stay anytime. As a few mentioned I like being in my own home, go to fridge when I want,food is a big issue for me. My insurs. covers a home nurse once a week for needle chg.and draw bloods. Then I go to the doctor's office one a week. It has wrkd so much better for me. But if you are not completely dedicated to all you have to do, or you feel nervous in any way abt handling it at home then you have to do what is best for you, if it's 2 weeks or more. But I must say I do not get upset anymore when it's tune up time. I actually take relaxing baths as I do not want to wet my dressing and wash my hair in the sink. So good luck to you. Pat-55/CF


I have not been in the hosp. for yrs. I have my port now 9yrs. I wld take home over hosp. stay anytime. As a few mentioned I like being in my own home, go to fridge when I want,food is a big issue for me. My insurs. covers a home nurse once a week for needle chg.and draw bloods. Then I go to the doctor's office one a week. It has wrkd so much better for me. But if you are not completely dedicated to all you have to do, or you feel nervous in any way abt handling it at home then you have to do what is best for you, if it's 2 weeks or more. But I must say I do not get upset anymore when it's tune up time. I actually take relaxing baths as I do not want to wet my dressing and wash my hair in the sink. So good luck to you. Pat-55/CF


I have not been in the hosp. for yrs. I have my port now 9yrs. I wld take home over hosp. stay anytime. As a few mentioned I like being in my own home, go to fridge when I want,food is a big issue for me. My insurs. covers a home nurse once a week for needle chg.and draw bloods. Then I go to the doctor's office one a week. It has wrkd so much better for me. But if you are not completely dedicated to all you have to do, or you feel nervous in any way abt handling it at home then you have to do what is best for you, if it's 2 weeks or more. But I must say I do not get upset anymore when it's tune up time. I actually take relaxing baths as I do not want to wet my dressing and wash my hair in the sink. So good luck to you. Pat-55/CF


New member
I have had two experiences over the past 8 years with the hospital, in 2004 due to an exacerbation, and within the past month due to pneumonia. Both times I have gone in, they have kept me in Baystate Medical Center and they put in a PICC line, then have had me sent to Park View (now called Kindred Park View) in Springfield a week later.

I have my own rants about Park View in another thread