New member
Hello everyone, I'm not on the forums very often, but I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with a PICC line and chest pain? This is only my third line, and it was put in yesterday morning - the other two were in my left arm, but there was too much scar tissue from the previous lines and they were having trouble, so this one is in the right arm. I remember having some minor chest/arm pains with the other two, but this one feels a lot stranger... Not necessarily pain so much as pressure? It feels sort of tight, and hurts when I take a deep breath or move in certain positions. I had heat on it yesterday and last night and that helped a bit, but I'm not sure if I should keep putting heat on it. I don't think it's so serious that I can't wait until a nurse comes to change the dressing to ask him/her about it (unless it gets worse before then), but in the mean time, I thought I would try to ease my worries and see if this is just a common occurrence I haven't experienced before. Thank you in advance to anyone who may have any advice!