Picc line infection? Need help!


New member
Does anybody get an infection from their Picc line?

I get one from EVERY application. Once removed an absist develops. I will run super high feavers (102-104.) From that point I take Zyvox to kill the staff and have to drain the infection.

Dressing changes are normal, I suspect I am allergic to the plastic that they are made of.

Anybody experence this?


New member
I havent experienced this but it sounds like what you said a allergic reaction to something. I hope they get it figured out...running fevers like that is no good.


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I get one every time I get one. I also got one from my port and even when they put a PEG tube in. They say they aren't going to put any more PICC's or Ports in but I think they are going to have to re-think that because my veins are pretty much gone and when I'm on IV's I have to have them changed every day. I don't know why I have so many reactions, but I do know I'm allergic to tegaderm. If that's your case ask them about covaderm. I seem to tolerate that ok but I'm also allergic to tape and not just plastic, I don't do well with paper tape either we are trying silk but I find that it doesn't stick very well. Does anyone know of anything else? cfNana


New member
What's covaderm? My husband covers his port (when accessed) with two tegaderms so he can shower. It works great, looks great, but chews his skin raw. Thanks, jan


New member
During my last admission & moreso when I got home on IV antibiotics, the bandaged area of my PICC was really itching me. I didnt think much about it because it had been very hot & humid. When the nurses came to change it they said it looked good & just swabbed it down a little more in the areas that were really itching me. I felt like I should have made my leg move like my dog when I scratch her bellt. After my PICC line came out & I took the dressing off & applied a regular bandaid then removed the bandaid, my arm had "welt" looking spots where the adhesive had been for the last 2 months. It didnt show liook that (just itched) until the air was able to get to it. I used alcohol wipes to clean it & then put cortizone cream on which helped. It has stopped itching & is looking better, but its still noticable. The site where the needle itself went in was fine.


New member
Covaderm is a soft material like bandage, it allows the skin to breathe. I became so allergic to the tegaderm they used around my PICC that I ended up getting cellulitis, now everytime they put certain adhesives on my skin ( it doesn't have to be where the PICC was ) I break out at the PICC site and start itching. I can't wait until they replace my peg tube hose with the button because the paper tape is making my skin raw. Ask your home infusion company about covaderm, your nurse or Dr. may not have used it before, but the infusion Co. should know about it. If they don't ask them to try to find it for you. It's been the only thing that has worked for me. I wish I could use it now but while it can be big enough to cover a port it won't cover the tubing I have in now. I just got up and went to find a package that I had left over from my port and it' manufactuer is DeRoyal out of TN. they have a phone no. listed as 888-938-7828. I'm sure yur infusion Co. probably knows what it is though. Sometimes you just have to be demanding and tell them you are allergic to the other stuff and you need something else. I'm 46 with cf and have been pushed around and treated like I didn't know anything so often that I have learned to tell them what I need. I hope this helps. cfNana


New member
Thanks for the input. I am so used to "putting" up with stuff that sometimes I cant tell when its a "problem" & what is "normal". I consider "common" things which is stuff that happens & I have to put up with. I guess to tolerate future PICC or other that I need to change that attitude because otherwise I wont want to do home IV & I know that is unrealistic.


New member
when I have to do an IV I always take some "natural" medicine for the veins. In Germany the name of the product is "Venoruton" and it contains " Hydroxyethylrutosid", its a bioflavonoid. I start to take it one week before and during the IV, one tablet a day. Since I do that, the pic lines can stay in much longer and I didn´t get any vein-infection, it doesn´t even get red. Last year one of the piccs was in for more than 2 weeks and still working.



New member

I was wondering were do you find out about more info on the natural drug?

Alisha 23 w/CF living life to the fullest


New member

try this website, I think thats quite the same I meant: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.iherb.com/horsechestnut5.html