PICC Sore Under Wing


I have had a PICC for two months now. I have had some nerve pain... an Advil will fix it.

I had to have two dressing changes this week due to the holidays and rescheduling my home health visit appointments. After this changed the bandage on Wednesday the skin under the wings of the PICC (the wingy thing that they use to anchor the PICC to the arm) hurts like crazy. It got better after a while.

Today when she changed the dressing again it was a bit red under the wing thingy. The nurse scrubbed it and it itched. It didn't burn or hurt. She put it right back in the same spot since it fits in that spot so much better than any other spot. She said there was an indent in my arm. Just looks very irritated since it has been there for two months. She did change my bandage to the IV 3000. Oh does that help my entire PICC area!!

Is this normal for it to be red under the wingy anchor piece??? No fever. The arm area just burns.... like its highly irritated. Should I have had her move it to a different spot (even a few inches)?? The nurse said it didn't look infected... she did offer to come after Christmas and move it if I change my mind. Should I just leave it alone??


I would say watch for infection and if you can stand it leave it, but definatly say something to your doctor. If there isn't a problem moving it and still be ok and out of the way do it. How long you think you going to have to retain it, not long then... Hope you feel better.


Nurse said no sign of infection. I just found it is is called a statlock. I guess they can cause irritation (searched google).

I have a month left.


New member
I always get weird sores and rashes from my Picc dressing. I just git mine out but still have a cross mark from where Picc was sutured and anchored in. I am sure I will have it for a month or so.


New member
When I had PICC lines, the nurses always tried to move the Statlock a bit each time because it really irritated my arm as well. Sometimes they would put it in a strange position to try to relieve the irritation and sores from the Statlock, but that was okay with me. It was much less irritating than the sores.

I always have some burning/itching with both my PICC and port dressings right after they're changed.

Hope that last month goes by quickly for you!


New member
By the way, the nerve pain would concern me more. I was told if a line stayed against a nerve for too long it could cause permanent nerve damage. Are you sure you are talking about nerve pain, though? When I had a line against a nerve (one they were trying to put in--they ended up pulling it out and trying again), the pain was quite bad, and it made my whole arm jerk uncontrollably.


She is moving it a little each time. PICC insertions site is in a weird location.

Yes, the burning is 24 hours after dressing changes. Drives me crazy. I hate dressing changes. The round disk seems to be spitting out medicine for 2 days after the dressing change. Feels much better day 3 thru day 6.

I have had tingling and weird itching in the arm since they placed the PICC. If it is not nerve issues I don't know what it is. I get weird fantom sensations since the insertion. I guess more like nerve irritation.

Will be so glad to get this thing out!!!!


New member
When you say it that way, I remembered once having that kind of issue as well, with tingling and sometimes shooting pain through my arm. They told me it was probably because a nerve was irritated during insertion and would take a while to get over it. It lasted a while but did eventually go away on its own.

I'm sorry this has been such a rough PICC line for you.


New member
I am very allergic to stat-locks & my skin starts to blister if one is on my skin for even a day. An alternative is to ask them to use steri-strips instead & have them put gauze or something underneath the lumen. I've had no problems getting nurses to not place a stat-lock on my skin & have them use steer-strips instead. It feels so much better!

Sadly, the nerve pain won't be relieved fully until you get that picc line out. Good luck!


New member
Also make sure the site is 100% clean and dry. If there's even a tiny amount of alcohol left, it will eventually burn your skin.