Picky Eaters!


New member
My mum knows how you feel, lol. I never ate vegetables when I was a kid. To be honest, I still struggle with a few vegetables and dry wretch if I try to eat them. Not sure if it is psychological or what, but it's stuck with me all these years.

Will she eat potato? That is the one veggie that I would eat without a fight because it has such a plain taste (and after all, that's what french fries are made from!). From there, my parents would do things like mixing mashed potato and pumpkin. They also added sauce to veggies (like honey mustard, cheese or garlic) with mixed success. Some meals are quite easy to hide things like tomato or onion. I was also rewarded (bribed?) for vegetables I did eat, such as getting to watch extra TV.

I like scarbrough's suggestions -- anything chopped extremely fine might work.

Good luck!


New member
The dietician at our center says she gives this book to her friends even at baby showers:
How to Get Your Kids to Eat (but not too much), by Elleyn Satter.
It has a section on CF too.
We just got it last week, and I'm trying to make my way through it and several others...
It would be a strange shower gift, though, no?


New member
The dietician at our center says she gives this book to her friends even at baby showers:
How to Get Your Kids to Eat (but not too much), by Elleyn Satter.
It has a section on CF too.
We just got it last week, and I'm trying to make my way through it and several others...
It would be a strange shower gift, though, no?


New member
The dietician at our center says she gives this book to her friends even at baby showers:
How to Get Your Kids to Eat (but not too much), by Elleyn Satter.
It has a section on CF too.
We just got it last week, and I'm trying to make my way through it and several others...
It would be a strange shower gift, though, no?