Pics - Let's see 'em


New member
You can see pictures of me and my family at <A href=""></A> and at <A href=""></A>. There are pictures in each of my articles and on the mainpage of MurrensNatureMama. There are lots of pics on the family site. In most of the pics you can't tell that my hubby is over a foot taller than I am, but he is! Only I have CF, but my husband and daughter are gorgeous, so you can feel free to gaze at them as well.


New member
Renee P - I love your big family! My husband and I also hope to have many children. Are you planning or hoping for more? They are all beautiful! I'm assuming the youngest two are fraternal twins, right?


New member
Cutest picture I have seen yet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> What a proud mama you must be!!!!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you HollyCatheryn. I never quite planned to have so many children but things just happen Actually the two who you thought were twins (who many people think are twins) are actually not related by blood. We are the Brady Bunch minus one. The oldest boy and the two girls are mine from a previous marriage and the two younger boys are my husband's from a previous marriage. We have sole physical custody of all five so they all live together and are as much brothers and sisters as they could possibly be. And what's funny is they all look alike. And not a single one of them looks like me. I have dark brown hair and eyes... all the kids are blond hair and blue eyes... You just never know what those genes are going to do. You have a very beautiful family as well. I love your pictures.


New member
cute pics, everyone! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> You should all be very proud. When I get my account worked out, I'll be able to brag about mine too. lol



New member
New here, and my daughter is 10 weeks old and the Dr.'s say she has 2 mutations,no symtoms as of yet, and her sweat test came back 18/20 (normal-low), and that for now, she is just a carrier until they do a DNA test. Which I know that if you carry 2 mutations you have CF unless you have a rare situation of the genes being on the same chromosone strand. Here is a pic of my punkin-nutter.