Pictures of Yourself!

Well I don't post often but my sister does. She posted earlier in the thread and said she could't figure out how to add one so I'll do it.

It is a picture of me and Her (allisa35) a couple of years ago. I am the redhead she is the brunette and the little boy is my son Matthew.

I hope it works.



Well, I'm hoping this will work. My sister put a dorky picture of me on here. I don't like getting my picture taken (I'm not very photogenic). This is my wedding picture from 10 years ago. Hope this works!!


New member
Ok here are pictures of me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

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New member
Hey!! Okay here goes....I have no idea whether this will work<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"><br>
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New member
oops a bit big, thats me holding Craig, Rebecca my 13 yearold daughter and Robert my nephew, we looked after him from 6 month like 5 times a week, a bit like our own kid he is


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Craig on Scarborough beach 2006


New member
Here is a pic of me and Olivia at the beach. It was taken about 5months ago, not one of my best pics but it will do.

I thought i might add to the collection. I love looking at everyones pics, as its alway's good to put a face to the na


New member
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me and the boys.. Taylor is in the orange shirt. He is my CF child


New member

OMG that is a gorgeous wedding photo! You are so pretty! Your roses were beautiful, it reminds me of my wedding boquet also. Red! Love it. Just out of curiosity what were your bridesmaids dresses color?