Hello, I am new here and in search of any help I can find for my lil girl. She is 4 years old, and weighs 24 pounds, she is about the height of a 1 year old and still wears 12 month clothes, that being said(as if thats not scary enough) she has been sick her whole life, wheezing, coughing, bronchitis, allergies, asthma, stomach pains, constipation, and now some really weird lookin poo. She was first sent to UAB at 2 and had a sweat test, the doc told me he was almost certain that was what was wrong, because her fingers and toes are funny lookin, he says its clubbing, anyway, her test was negative, and he pretty much sent us on our way. Thing is we have been pretty much fightin for her life since then, she has been in the hospital probably 100 times since then. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> The doc she goes to now is a family doc and has pushed every antibiotic, breathing treatment, steriod, and stomach med you can imagine down her and nothing is workin. We just left the hospital tonight with yet another Upper respitory infection her 3rd this year and its only february, he oxygen level was between 90 and 92 percent and she has been caughing so hard for so long she is just plain exhausted, she makes me want to cry when she tells me I cant breathe mommy my caugh hurts and she doesnt even have the energy to get up and walk around!! Yet the doctors tell me over and over again that its just viral give her a few days, only the days turn into weeks and months and she never gets any better, she is so tired and I am so afraid for her!! After one of our recent er visits with a "part time" er doc, and her o2 level being 90% after 4 breathing treatments, that something was seriously wrong, he gets us a "God Sent" appointment at UAB one more again for a test for CF. My question is , if it is not CF what is wrong with my baby, I have looked and looked and looked for answers and they all lead me right back to CF, but why didnt it show up and HOW do I get her the help she needs sooo bad??? Right now, she takes a breathing treatment every 4 hours and is on 2 inhalers, zyrtec, palgic, previcid, prednisone, mirilax, lactulose, and a liquid caugh medicine that was actually an over the counter med called delsom(Ithink). Her tinyness I can handle, her stomach aches and not wanting to eat and even vomiting after she eats I can handle, but when she is fighting through caughing and choking just to breathe, I lose it, what can I do???? Please help any information you can think of to help her caugh or to help her breathe will be appreciated greatly!! Thank You for listening. Oh and our app is the 21st of this month so any thing I should request or ask them to do other than just beg them to please do something!?!?!