please, can anyone relate?


New member
Not sure what I did wrong. It showed up on "preview"? I'm trying again though.
<img src="<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""">"</a>


New member
I copied and pasted and saw your photo with three kids! Beautiful family. Maybe we should have a thread of pics of members.


New member
may i ask what symptoms you had. my 8yr old daughter just had the sweat test done and it came back positive. i just lost me niece to cf 4 months ago. as you can tell i am freaking. any info would help


New member
Crystal.... I can't relate in a way to what you feel being married to a CFer. I am a mom of a 16 yr old CFer. What I can tell you is I know what losing a husband feels like. My husband died 6 yrs ago in a auto accident. I know that one day I might lose my son to but you need to let go of the fears. You let death win if you don't enjoy every minute you have together. With my son I did the death watch for a while and then I relized to let go and let God..... God is the only one that knows what life has to offer. He never promised any of us a tomarrow just a today and for us to make the most of it because we never know when our time is done........God Bless you both and I hope one day my son will find someone who loves him the way you love your husband.... Becca


New member
my brother died 2 years ago september.he had cf,but that did'nt stop him doing anything he wanted to do. i miss him terrible.i have a son who will be 3 in october he was 11 months old when my brother son was named after his special uncle and when he's old enough i will tell him all about him.he was a loving caring and generous brother&uncle.i will always love him and never ever forget him.


New member
we were married for going on almost 6 months.
we filed for an anullment.
not becuz were not in love or we fought all the time,
but becuz, we got married without any family there, all we had was our best friends.
nethier of our families know.
we want to do it right.

but we plan on marrying maybe not this year but soon, when we both are REALLY ready.

He seems very healthy. Hes not on alot of medicine. he was in the military, he just got out on friday.
so they paid for all of his medical bills.
now that hes out, im afraid something migth happen and us being so young and in school,
not having much money it will be hard.

he is infertile.
its hard becuz i know one day i do want to raise a child with him
hopefully have our own child.
if we cant, then we decided we do want to adopt.