I looked on these sites (linked below), I did not see your daughters 1st mutation (thus it not being known previously).
I probably won't be much help and this will be more technical than what you were probably looking for, but this is the information I came up with. I am just figuring this information out and am just piecing things together that have have read or heard from other posters. So this is my best guess at what this means...
Start with Delta 508, that is the Legacy name. Not all mutations will have these, only the ones identified and named before they started using the new nomenclature. Then there is also a protein name: (p. Phe508del) and a nucleotide (DNA) name: c. 1521 1523 delCTT. The dna name describes where in the dna strand and what the change is.
So it looks like your daughters other mutation only has the
nucleotide (DNA) name: c. 869 +1 869 +4 delGTAA ins ACATTATT which I am assuming means that at the spot on the DNA strand (869) there is deletion of information and an insertion of incorrect information.
I have no idea what class that makes it, but now you have an idea of what all those number mean.
edit to fix spacing, hope it worked