Please help me with my CF research for Grad School


New member
Originally posted in the Family portion of the forum, it was suggested that I post this in the adults section to see if any of you could/would pass it on to your parents to help me out! I'm now needing about 10-15 responses. Anything you could do to help me would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

I have had LOTS of response to my graduate school research request, but I need about 15-20 more responses to make my research well-rounded. If you have already responded, you have my sincerest THANK YOU!! I appreciate everything you all are doing in this community to help me with coping with Abby's arrival, Lucy's adjustment, my sanity, and my research!!

If you can, please respond by Sunday, June 18, 2006.

Response Questions:

1. Once you learned a child had CF, what questions did you want or need answered immediately to help put your mind at ease? Did you get answers? Would you mind sharing?
2. What do you wish you knew when your child was first diagnosed or when you found out they had CF that you now know?
3. What was the biggest surprise or challenge for you and your family?
4. Do you have any words of wisdom for someone who is facing a CF diagnosis in a child?

If you would please provide me the following additional information:
The age of the child when diagnosed, their relationship to you (child, grandchild, niece, etc.), and additional pertinent information you feel you should add about the child's situation.

I do not need names or any specific information about you or your family.

If you prefer to email the information to me, please email me at with RESEARCH in the subject line so I don't delete it! :)

I greatly appreciate your time and efforts on my behalf!!!


New member
Yahhhh, you posted it here!!

I'm going to copy what you wrote and email it onto Mark's mom and ask if she can answer the questions. I'm sure she'll do it.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!