<P>I was also in the same boat as you regarding a port. I was having lots of trouble with PICCs and just generally miserable when on IV's. I had spoken with my doctor about it a few years back and he wanted to hold off because the risk of infection...yada yada...and I also at that point was not on IV's very often (once a year). In the last year I have been on IV's three times and had trouble placing the PICC and also had a blood clot once...and then the next time, PICC stopped working (either it moved or was placed wrong) a week before I was supposed to be done with IV's. At that point, after a weekend in the emergency to make sure I had no clot again, I mentioned to my doctor about a port and he was thrilled that I was the one to mention (that he didn't have to tell me to do it). </P>
<P>I got the port three weeks later and am already happy to have done it. I had it done on a Friday and probably could have gone back to work Tuesday. I only needed motrin for the pain and I was almost pain free within a few days. Every once in a while, I would get twinges of searing pain across my scar, but that only lasted maybe a month. I don't feel a thing anymore. I was semi-awake for the procedure, not completely out and that was the bestway it could have been done. I recovered quickly and besides being a bit tired I felt great. I don't prefer to access myself. For one, I don't think I would be able to see at the angle it is, and for two...I don't like needles. HAHA. I have had a nurse come three times now to flush and it doesn't even hurt. I can't feel a thing. It is placed in the very top of my breast tissue. It is a bit noticable, but nothing bad. It is a power port, which is triangular shape. </P>
<P>And so far I have not had to use it, so YAY. So I can't really tell you much about that part. Good luck!!</P>