Please help...


New member
I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 months and i love him dearly, i just recently found out from a friend that he has cf, i don't and don't know how to approach the situation. He has never spoken to me about it before, should i leave it till he tells me or ask him?, i don't want to lose him, but don't know how to bring it up...
Please help


New member
thats a really tough one. with me and my boyfriend, it just came up because of having to have physio and tablets, hospital admissions and stuff. if he hasn't told you it may mean he doesn't want you to know so might be best not asking him. maybe ask the friend who told you how he feel about it?


New member
That is a tough one to answer. He's probably not telling you because he feels like you may not stay with him or he may not want you to treat him differently or be uncomfortable around him. I would say to wait for him to tell you about it & in the mean time, you could research a little so that when he does tell you, you have some facts about CF already, so you'll know a little about what he's dealing with.
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I think that you should wait until he tells you. But after 5 months why hasn't he told you yet. If I was in his shoes I would have told you already. It doesn't sound like you would leave him just because he has CF. I would want to tell the person that I am dating right at the beginning because if they do bolt I wouldn't have wasted 6 months to year of my life on a superficial person.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
I would wait for him to bring it up...
Unless you absolutely can't or a couple of months go by and he doesn't say anything..then I would say something to don't sound like your going to bolt on him-and by that time he should know that...
Good Luck!!


New member
I think you definitely need to tell him that you know. I am willing to bet that he wants you to know but doesn't have the courage to bring it up himself. When you bring it up, this will open doors for new communication and a deeper level in your relationship. I should caution you that initially, he may be a little embarassed and not want to talk about it. But gradually this will wear off he will be so relieved that it's "out in the open". If you don't bring it up, it will be harder and harder for him and it will hang like a cloud over your relationship. I have CF and have been in his shoes before. Let me know how it goes.


New member
I was dating my girlfriend (now wife) for more than 5 months before I told her I had CF. As some here have said he probably doesn't want to be treated differently. I'm guessing your boyfriend (like me) has a fairly mild case or has just been very good at shielding you from seeing anything. I was very conflicted about it. I trust very few people with knowing about my CF and, like in any relationship knowing when to fully give over that confidence in someone and trusting that they won't hurt you is hard.

I can't actually say how long I might have gone without telling my girlfriend. She heard me coughing really hard one morning in the bathroom and thought I was throwing up. She actually confronted me because she thought I had an eating disorder!! Think about it...most of us eat whatever we want, we're always skinny, and then she hears me "getting sick" in the bathroom!!

While telling her was a very, very hard thing for me to do. I was finally relieved when I did. I was afraid she would give up on me. She did not and we have been very happily married for just over two years.

I would wait for him to tell you, but maybe you will get lucky and have a situation like mine where you can ask him without relaly asking him.


New member
Honesty has got to start somewhere and if he isn't being "honest" with you and telling you, he is probably scared you will leave, embarassed, doesn't want the relationship to change...but if you care a lot about him, and think there is a future, ask him. He may be mad, hurt, shocked...initially, but it's got to be put out there at some point. I will never forget the day my now husband told me. But lucky for me I come from a medical back ground and also have a mom who is an RN and was able to assist myself, and him through difficult stuff. We have been together almost 5 years now, married 2.5 and although there are hard times, I wouldn't change anything we did. Sometimes when he coughs so much that he throws up, he gets embarrassed and wants me to leave. But I just get him a cool cloth to lower his body temp (it usually raises rapidly with coughing attacks), and if he vomitts, I clean it up-even if he opposes. My husband never thought a serious girlfirned was possible, and definetly not a wife and now he has me. Most males (99.5%) with CF are also infertile and that might be a big deal to your boyfriend as to why he hasn't told you yet, but my husband is "infertile" and we are in the process of undergoing infertility treatments and a procedure called ICSI (a newer version of In-vetro). The infertility aspect is that they have CBAVD, meaning they have no "tube" that carries the sperm from the testicles to ejaculation. But, there is sperm in the testicles and can be retrieved by a urologist for use in an in-vetro procedure. I think you should talk to him about it, because if you wait for him to tell you, it's going to eat you up-and you ovbiously care about him or you wouldnt have done your research and posted on this website



New member
I think that you should wait for your boyfriend to tell you my boyfriend has got CF and I didn't know until about 4 months after we were going out I noticed that he coughed a bit and mention to him that he should get that looked out. He is probably scared at how you will react when he tells you I know that my boyfriend was really scared about telling me but eventually he told me


New member
this is a funny story. i was datin this kid (well sorta but not really) and he always had his freind over. well after like a week i stopped datin that kid cuz we just didnt click so anyway i still hung out with him and his freind. and one day i was talkin with this kid his name is kevin and i was coughin and he says to me you cough an awful lot, why is that. i was like oh its a long story ill tell ya sometime. then he says do you have CF. i was in shock i said well ya i do but how the hell do you know what that it is, turns out his friend had CF and he knew all about it. i couldnt believe it, and we started dating and have been for 3 1/2 yrs. so in reponse to ur ? i say you should let him come to you. maybe he is tryin to figure out how to let you know. dont worry tho i am sure he will tell you when he feels its the right time. just try not to think about it too much or you'll go nuts, i hope this helps! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

nicole 22 CF