please inform me!!


New member

I am so sorry for your loss.

Definitely check out the CFF website. They have alot of great information. I am a team leader for the Great Strides walk and they give you packets of information of how to raise money and information to hand out to potential donors. Skye had a great idea about getting your school involved! It would help your peers understand what happened and they in turm will be telling their parents.

I also bought a shirt from and it says "CF, I know what it is, do you?" I wear it and people ask me all the time. I give them a SHORT version of it and then they go on their merry way. You could do something like that too and have a little information handy for people. Of course now with the cold weather it might be more difficult.

I can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions on the forums!


New member

I am so sorry for your loss.

Definitely check out the CFF website. They have alot of great information. I am a team leader for the Great Strides walk and they give you packets of information of how to raise money and information to hand out to potential donors. Skye had a great idea about getting your school involved! It would help your peers understand what happened and they in turm will be telling their parents.

I also bought a shirt from and it says "CF, I know what it is, do you?" I wear it and people ask me all the time. I give them a SHORT version of it and then they go on their merry way. You could do something like that too and have a little information handy for people. Of course now with the cold weather it might be more difficult.

I can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions on the forums!


New member

I am so sorry for your loss.

Definitely check out the CFF website. They have alot of great information. I am a team leader for the Great Strides walk and they give you packets of information of how to raise money and information to hand out to potential donors. Skye had a great idea about getting your school involved! It would help your peers understand what happened and they in turm will be telling their parents.

I also bought a shirt from and it says "CF, I know what it is, do you?" I wear it and people ask me all the time. I give them a SHORT version of it and then they go on their merry way. You could do something like that too and have a little information handy for people. Of course now with the cold weather it might be more difficult.

I can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions on the forums!


New member

I am so sorry for your loss.

Definitely check out the CFF website. They have alot of great information. I am a team leader for the Great Strides walk and they give you packets of information of how to raise money and information to hand out to potential donors. Skye had a great idea about getting your school involved! It would help your peers understand what happened and they in turm will be telling their parents.

I also bought a shirt from and it says "CF, I know what it is, do you?" I wear it and people ask me all the time. I give them a SHORT version of it and then they go on their merry way. You could do something like that too and have a little information handy for people. Of course now with the cold weather it might be more difficult.

I can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions on the forums!


New member

I am so sorry for your loss.

Definitely check out the CFF website. They have alot of great information. I am a team leader for the Great Strides walk and they give you packets of information of how to raise money and information to hand out to potential donors. Skye had a great idea about getting your school involved! It would help your peers understand what happened and they in turm will be telling their parents.

I also bought a shirt from and it says "CF, I know what it is, do you?" I wear it and people ask me all the time. I give them a SHORT version of it and then they go on their merry way. You could do something like that too and have a little information handy for people. Of course now with the cold weather it might be more difficult.

I can't think of anything else. Feel free to ask questions on the forums!


New member
I just thought about this last night after I replied before. I don't know why I did not mention it before.

It is in regards to the idea of getting your school involved. If you are involved in any clubs in school maybe ask the teacher that is in charge of the club if you all could do the Great Strides walk. Most every club or organization has a requirement of volunteer or community service hours and that would be a great way to do it. I approached a teacher about that when I was in high school and they approved it no problem.

Also to add with that if you contact someone with the CF Foundation they will even come out to the school and talk to the people in the club about CF and what it is if you do not feel comfortable or know how. Again that is something that we set up through the CF Foundation when I was in school because I did not want to get up in front of my peers at the time and talk about CF.

Good Luck.

Love Lindsey


New member
I just thought about this last night after I replied before. I don't know why I did not mention it before.

It is in regards to the idea of getting your school involved. If you are involved in any clubs in school maybe ask the teacher that is in charge of the club if you all could do the Great Strides walk. Most every club or organization has a requirement of volunteer or community service hours and that would be a great way to do it. I approached a teacher about that when I was in high school and they approved it no problem.

Also to add with that if you contact someone with the CF Foundation they will even come out to the school and talk to the people in the club about CF and what it is if you do not feel comfortable or know how. Again that is something that we set up through the CF Foundation when I was in school because I did not want to get up in front of my peers at the time and talk about CF.

Good Luck.

Love Lindsey


New member
I just thought about this last night after I replied before. I don't know why I did not mention it before.

It is in regards to the idea of getting your school involved. If you are involved in any clubs in school maybe ask the teacher that is in charge of the club if you all could do the Great Strides walk. Most every club or organization has a requirement of volunteer or community service hours and that would be a great way to do it. I approached a teacher about that when I was in high school and they approved it no problem.

Also to add with that if you contact someone with the CF Foundation they will even come out to the school and talk to the people in the club about CF and what it is if you do not feel comfortable or know how. Again that is something that we set up through the CF Foundation when I was in school because I did not want to get up in front of my peers at the time and talk about CF.

Good Luck.

Love Lindsey


New member
I just thought about this last night after I replied before. I don't know why I did not mention it before.

It is in regards to the idea of getting your school involved. If you are involved in any clubs in school maybe ask the teacher that is in charge of the club if you all could do the Great Strides walk. Most every club or organization has a requirement of volunteer or community service hours and that would be a great way to do it. I approached a teacher about that when I was in high school and they approved it no problem.

Also to add with that if you contact someone with the CF Foundation they will even come out to the school and talk to the people in the club about CF and what it is if you do not feel comfortable or know how. Again that is something that we set up through the CF Foundation when I was in school because I did not want to get up in front of my peers at the time and talk about CF.

Good Luck.

Love Lindsey


New member
I just thought about this last night after I replied before. I don't know why I did not mention it before.

It is in regards to the idea of getting your school involved. If you are involved in any clubs in school maybe ask the teacher that is in charge of the club if you all could do the Great Strides walk. Most every club or organization has a requirement of volunteer or community service hours and that would be a great way to do it. I approached a teacher about that when I was in high school and they approved it no problem.

Also to add with that if you contact someone with the CF Foundation they will even come out to the school and talk to the people in the club about CF and what it is if you do not feel comfortable or know how. Again that is something that we set up through the CF Foundation when I was in school because I did not want to get up in front of my peers at the time and talk about CF.

Good Luck.

Love Lindsey


New member
I dont have anything to add, to how to get the word out ,since everyone has pretty much covered what i would have said, but i did want to say i am sorry for the loss of your mother. She must be one of the proudest women up in Heaven watching your determination .


New member
I dont have anything to add, to how to get the word out ,since everyone has pretty much covered what i would have said, but i did want to say i am sorry for the loss of your mother. She must be one of the proudest women up in Heaven watching your determination .


New member
I dont have anything to add, to how to get the word out ,since everyone has pretty much covered what i would have said, but i did want to say i am sorry for the loss of your mother. She must be one of the proudest women up in Heaven watching your determination .


New member
I dont have anything to add, to how to get the word out ,since everyone has pretty much covered what i would have said, but i did want to say i am sorry for the loss of your mother. She must be one of the proudest women up in Heaven watching your determination .


New member
I dont have anything to add, to how to get the word out ,since everyone has pretty much covered what i would have said, but i did want to say i am sorry for the loss of your mother. She must be one of the proudest women up in Heaven watching your determination .


New member

Hi my name is Lucretia. Everyone that has responded so far has given you very good ideas. They are all right on the money about where you can get answers. This web site will teach you quite a bit because you will get to talk to people who are living with the disease on a daily basis.

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your mother while you are still young, and know that you can get the answers you seek, it will take a little time. There is a lot to have to learn about Cystic Fibrosis. But you seem very determined and I commend you for that. We need a whole lot more people like you who want to know more about this disease.

Remember definitely visit, and while you are there look up your local chapter because you can volunteer thru your local chapter and help out that way as well.


New member

Hi my name is Lucretia. Everyone that has responded so far has given you very good ideas. They are all right on the money about where you can get answers. This web site will teach you quite a bit because you will get to talk to people who are living with the disease on a daily basis.

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your mother while you are still young, and know that you can get the answers you seek, it will take a little time. There is a lot to have to learn about Cystic Fibrosis. But you seem very determined and I commend you for that. We need a whole lot more people like you who want to know more about this disease.

Remember definitely visit, and while you are there look up your local chapter because you can volunteer thru your local chapter and help out that way as well.


New member

Hi my name is Lucretia. Everyone that has responded so far has given you very good ideas. They are all right on the money about where you can get answers. This web site will teach you quite a bit because you will get to talk to people who are living with the disease on a daily basis.

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your mother while you are still young, and know that you can get the answers you seek, it will take a little time. There is a lot to have to learn about Cystic Fibrosis. But you seem very determined and I commend you for that. We need a whole lot more people like you who want to know more about this disease.

Remember definitely visit, and while you are there look up your local chapter because you can volunteer thru your local chapter and help out that way as well.


New member

Hi my name is Lucretia. Everyone that has responded so far has given you very good ideas. They are all right on the money about where you can get answers. This web site will teach you quite a bit because you will get to talk to people who are living with the disease on a daily basis.

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your mother while you are still young, and know that you can get the answers you seek, it will take a little time. There is a lot to have to learn about Cystic Fibrosis. But you seem very determined and I commend you for that. We need a whole lot more people like you who want to know more about this disease.

Remember definitely visit, and while you are there look up your local chapter because you can volunteer thru your local chapter and help out that way as well.


New member

Hi my name is Lucretia. Everyone that has responded so far has given you very good ideas. They are all right on the money about where you can get answers. This web site will teach you quite a bit because you will get to talk to people who are living with the disease on a daily basis.

I'm so sorry that you had to lose your mother while you are still young, and know that you can get the answers you seek, it will take a little time. There is a lot to have to learn about Cystic Fibrosis. But you seem very determined and I commend you for that. We need a whole lot more people like you who want to know more about this disease.

Remember definitely visit, and while you are there look up your local chapter because you can volunteer thru your local chapter and help out that way as well.