I responded earlier, but left out a few things. I had numerous teeth pulled (baby & adult) due to deterioration/infection.
I have NEVER had root canal nor would I, personally, go through the expense & pain of it. IF my teeth were in good shape overall, maybe.
In addition to the CF (meds, nutrition or whatever factor of it), I also think that bad/good teeth are genetic. Both my parents had lousy teeth.
My Mom had full dentures at a young age & my Dad had a lower partiaal denture & not so great upper of his own.
My doctor doesnt have a chance in hell going by that alone YET we are right on top of things. She has had a few cavities filled over the years.
She has been doing great so far even with her braces on, but its from diligence (harping on my part) with brushing, using a flouride rinse & drinking florinated water.
In elementary school here they give free floride up until the end of 4th grade if you want it.
She doesnt have CF tho!