Plumpin' up from Creon and ADEKS



I am about 5'3 and lately I waver between 120-125 pounds. However, for financial reasons I switched to Creon (I had been taking Ultrase before) and finally, finally got my hands on some ADEKs.

I've put on about 5 pounds in the past this rate I'll be 135 by Christmas!

Could it be the Winter Bulge? Or these new pills?

Now, since I am IN NO WAY "skinny" for a CF'er, in fact I look "normal"....I just wanted to share my story that the enzyme change made a drastic difference in the way my body absorbs food. Looks like I'll have to take a break from my "All you can eat" diet for a bit!

Also, I think that putting on the extra 5 pounds makes me feel better healthwise as well. Less sore throats, less coughing. Strange how nutrition plays such a role in the bigger picture.


I am about 5'3 and lately I waver between 120-125 pounds. However, for financial reasons I switched to Creon (I had been taking Ultrase before) and finally, finally got my hands on some ADEKs.

I've put on about 5 pounds in the past this rate I'll be 135 by Christmas!

Could it be the Winter Bulge? Or these new pills?

Now, since I am IN NO WAY "skinny" for a CF'er, in fact I look "normal"....I just wanted to share my story that the enzyme change made a drastic difference in the way my body absorbs food. Looks like I'll have to take a break from my "All you can eat" diet for a bit!

Also, I think that putting on the extra 5 pounds makes me feel better healthwise as well. Less sore throats, less coughing. Strange how nutrition plays such a role in the bigger picture.


I am about 5'3 and lately I waver between 120-125 pounds. However, for financial reasons I switched to Creon (I had been taking Ultrase before) and finally, finally got my hands on some ADEKs.

I've put on about 5 pounds in the past this rate I'll be 135 by Christmas!

Could it be the Winter Bulge? Or these new pills?

Now, since I am IN NO WAY "skinny" for a CF'er, in fact I look "normal"....I just wanted to share my story that the enzyme change made a drastic difference in the way my body absorbs food. Looks like I'll have to take a break from my "All you can eat" diet for a bit!

Also, I think that putting on the extra 5 pounds makes me feel better healthwise as well. Less sore throats, less coughing. Strange how nutrition plays such a role in the bigger picture.


I am about 5'3 and lately I waver between 120-125 pounds. However, for financial reasons I switched to Creon (I had been taking Ultrase before) and finally, finally got my hands on some ADEKs.

I've put on about 5 pounds in the past this rate I'll be 135 by Christmas!

Could it be the Winter Bulge? Or these new pills?

Now, since I am IN NO WAY "skinny" for a CF'er, in fact I look "normal"....I just wanted to share my story that the enzyme change made a drastic difference in the way my body absorbs food. Looks like I'll have to take a break from my "All you can eat" diet for a bit!

Also, I think that putting on the extra 5 pounds makes me feel better healthwise as well. Less sore throats, less coughing. Strange how nutrition plays such a role in the bigger picture.


I am about 5'3 and lately I waver between 120-125 pounds. However, for financial reasons I switched to Creon (I had been taking Ultrase before) and finally, finally got my hands on some ADEKs.

I've put on about 5 pounds in the past this rate I'll be 135 by Christmas!

Could it be the Winter Bulge? Or these new pills?

Now, since I am IN NO WAY "skinny" for a CF'er, in fact I look "normal"....I just wanted to share my story that the enzyme change made a drastic difference in the way my body absorbs food. Looks like I'll have to take a break from my "All you can eat" diet for a bit!

Also, I think that putting on the extra 5 pounds makes me feel better healthwise as well. Less sore throats, less coughing. Strange how nutrition plays such a role in the bigger picture.


New member
That freakin ROCKS..haha. That same thing happened to me. Same range of weight and all. This is the most I've ever weighed, and I found that I gained even more when I stopped having as much dairy food.


New member
That freakin ROCKS..haha. That same thing happened to me. Same range of weight and all. This is the most I've ever weighed, and I found that I gained even more when I stopped having as much dairy food.


New member
That freakin ROCKS..haha. That same thing happened to me. Same range of weight and all. This is the most I've ever weighed, and I found that I gained even more when I stopped having as much dairy food.


New member
That freakin ROCKS..haha. That same thing happened to me. Same range of weight and all. This is the most I've ever weighed, and I found that I gained even more when I stopped having as much dairy food.


New member
That freakin ROCKS..haha. That same thing happened to me. Same range of weight and all. This is the most I've ever weighed, and I found that I gained even more when I stopped having as much dairy food.


New member
Im glad to here that. Thats AWESOME!! How long were you on Ultrase? My daughter is having trouble gaining and keeping weight. I already cook all her food in straight LARD. YIKES! But she has reached 90 lbs now and is 5ft tall. But she still needs to gain. She's tiny. Maybe I can mention this to our CF doc.


New member
Im glad to here that. Thats AWESOME!! How long were you on Ultrase? My daughter is having trouble gaining and keeping weight. I already cook all her food in straight LARD. YIKES! But she has reached 90 lbs now and is 5ft tall. But she still needs to gain. She's tiny. Maybe I can mention this to our CF doc.


New member
Im glad to here that. Thats AWESOME!! How long were you on Ultrase? My daughter is having trouble gaining and keeping weight. I already cook all her food in straight LARD. YIKES! But she has reached 90 lbs now and is 5ft tall. But she still needs to gain. She's tiny. Maybe I can mention this to our CF doc.


New member
Im glad to here that. Thats AWESOME!! How long were you on Ultrase? My daughter is having trouble gaining and keeping weight. I already cook all her food in straight LARD. YIKES! But she has reached 90 lbs now and is 5ft tall. But she still needs to gain. She's tiny. Maybe I can mention this to our CF doc.


New member
Im glad to here that. Thats AWESOME!! How long were you on Ultrase? My daughter is having trouble gaining and keeping weight. I already cook all her food in straight LARD. YIKES! But she has reached 90 lbs now and is 5ft tall. But she still needs to gain. She's tiny. Maybe I can mention this to our CF doc.


I was on Ultrase for as long as I could remember. Creon seems to .... I don't know, work better. It's hard to explain....the pills seem bigger, with more stuff in them.

Sorry if this doesn't sound too coherent <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I was on Ultrase for as long as I could remember. Creon seems to .... I don't know, work better. It's hard to explain....the pills seem bigger, with more stuff in them.

Sorry if this doesn't sound too coherent <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I was on Ultrase for as long as I could remember. Creon seems to .... I don't know, work better. It's hard to explain....the pills seem bigger, with more stuff in them.

Sorry if this doesn't sound too coherent <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I was on Ultrase for as long as I could remember. Creon seems to .... I don't know, work better. It's hard to explain....the pills seem bigger, with more stuff in them.

Sorry if this doesn't sound too coherent <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I was on Ultrase for as long as I could remember. Creon seems to .... I don't know, work better. It's hard to explain....the pills seem bigger, with more stuff in them.

Sorry if this doesn't sound too coherent <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">