Point me in the right direction


New member
I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?


New member
I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?


New member
I live in Kentucky and I am trying to find the number of CF patients in our state anyone know where or how I can find this info?


Staff member
You could contact your local CFF chapter. I know ours told us 56 for our state when we had a procamation regarding CF Awareness month written and signed by the governor. Not sure where they get their numbers though.


Staff member
You could contact your local CFF chapter. I know ours told us 56 for our state when we had a procamation regarding CF Awareness month written and signed by the governor. Not sure where they get their numbers though.


Staff member
You could contact your local CFF chapter. I know ours told us 56 for our state when we had a procamation regarding CF Awareness month written and signed by the governor. Not sure where they get their numbers though.


Digital opinion leader
Thats a very interesting question.

Wow Liza, 56 sounds so low. We have 11 just in our town (and those are only the ones I know). hmmm, maybe its something in our water?


Digital opinion leader
Thats a very interesting question.

Wow Liza, 56 sounds so low. We have 11 just in our town (and those are only the ones I know). hmmm, maybe its something in our water?


Digital opinion leader
Thats a very interesting question.

Wow Liza, 56 sounds so low. We have 11 just in our town (and those are only the ones I know). hmmm, maybe its something in our water?