I recently weeded my new back yard and came into contact with some poison ivy. I had never reacted to poison ivy before (even with contact) but haven't had contact in quite a few years. After 5 days of weeding or so I developed just a few spots of poison ivy, so small they look like pimples. I have about 6 total. I only noticed it because one was getting itchier and itchier. <div><br></div><div>1 or 2 days after noticing the poison ivy spots I started to get fevers. Now, I just got out of the hospital about 2 weeks ago and have been feeling great since then! (left with the highest fev1 since about 3.5 years ago!!)</div><div><br></div><div>I admit I'm a bit stressed (new house and all) but I've been stressed without fever for 1.5 weeks without poison ivy. </div><div><br></div><div>I guess my question is; anyone who's gotten poison ivy (with CF) did you start displaying infection symptoms -- mainly fevers? I'm just wondering if my weakened immune system and stress just produce fevers as it tries to fight off the poison ivy, or if I am indeed coming down with something. I feel great otherwise, but the fevers aren't helping with the stress. haha And when I have a fever I usually don't feel like eating. so that is also not good, but my appetite is certainly there when the fever is gone! </div><div><br></div><div>Any theories or stories would be great. </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>