Poll really this time (had some technical difficulties before)


New member
<p class="msonormal">Thanks for responding. Just copy and delete
all but your answers.<br>
1. Do you/the patient have a medical condition which requires
airway clearance therapy?

<p class="msonormal">A.
B. No

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">2. Have you/the patient been diagnosed with
Cystic Fibrosis?

<p class="msonormal">A.
B. No

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">3. Have you/the patient been prescribed airway
clearance therapy?

<p class="msonormal">A.
B. No

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">4. How often do you/the patient have ACT
performed by a professional?

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A.

<p class="msonormal">B. Weekly

<p class="msonormal">C.

<p class="msonormal">D. Yearly

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">5. How often do you/the patient perform ACT at

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A.

<p class="msonormal">B. 1-2 times a

<p class="msonormal">C. 3-4 times a

<p class="msonormal">D. 5 or more times a day

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">6. How is your/the patient's at home therapy
performed? Please indicate all that apply.

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A. By yourself/themselves

<p class="msonormal">B. By a friend or family member

<p class="msonormal">C. By a medical professional

<p class="msonormal">D. By an automated airway clearance device

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">7. How would you rate the comfort level of
your/the patient's home airway clearance therapy?

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A. Very

<p class="msonormal">B. Comfortable

<p class="msonormal">C.

<p class="msonormal">D. Very uncomfortable

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">8. How would you rate the comfort level of
your/the patient's professional airway clearance therapy?

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A. Very

<p class="msonormal">B. Comfortable

<p class="msonormal">C.

<p class="msonormal">D. Very uncomfortable

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">9. Which of the following factors would most
influence you to change your home therapy?

<p class="msonormal">A.

<p class="msonormal">B.

<p class="msonormal">C. Mobility of

<p class="msonormal">D. Effectiveness of treatment

<p class="msonormal">E. Other ________________

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">10. What factors would prevent you from
switching to a more effective therapy?

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">A. Large space

<p class="msonormal">B. Low mobility of

<p class="msonormal">C. High Cost

<p class="msonormal">D. Longer treatment

<p class="msonormal">E. None of the above

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal">11. Do you have any other reactions or

<p class="msonormal"> 

<p class="msonormal"> 


New member
I would say 1-3 are all going to be YES. I could be wrong on this one <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
1). A: yes.
2). A: yes.
3). A: yes.
4). Not never, but very rarely. Only when I'm hospitalized.
5). B: 1-2 times a day.
6). B: By a friend or family member.
7). A: Very comfortable (as comfortable as being forced to cough by being hit can be).
8). B: Comfortable (I prefer someone I know closely [my boyfriend Mike] to do it, if possible).
9). E: Other- Using a device would allow for more independence, but I don't intend to change my ACT anyways.
10). I don't know exactly what this is for, so I have no comments.


New member
Okay....here goes...

1. Do you/the patient have a medical condition which requires
airway clearance therapy?

2. Have you/the patient been diagnosed with
Cystic Fibrosis?

3. Have you/the patient been prescribed airway
clearance therapy?

4. How often do you/the patient have ACT
performed by a professional?
Rarely, except when I am in the hospital, I get CPT about 3 times a day when I am really sick in the hospital, never at home though.

5. How often do you/the patient perform ACT at
I do do airway clearance twice a day at a minimum

6. How is your/the patient's at home therapy
performed? Please indicate all that apply.

B. By a friend or family member-sometimes on a rare occasion, my sis does manual CPT, which I love....she has very strong hands
D. By an automated airway clearance device-the vest

7. How would you rate the comfort level of
your/the patient's home airway clearance therapy?

8. How would you rate the comfort level of
your/the patient's professional airway clearance therapy?
Very comfortable and effective while I am in the hospital receiving it

9. Which of the following factors would most
influence you to change your home therapy?
I actually am very happy with my therapy, I have the vest and occassional manual CPT...I guess what would change my therapy would be if those methods didn't work as well as I wanted.

10. What factors would prevent you from
switching to a more effective therapy?
Perhaps if my insurance did not cover the cost of my therapy is the only thing I can think of.

11. Do you have any other reactions or
Not really...overall, I am finally on a regime that I am happy with and am getting good clearance with the help of the machines as well as the meds, relief is what I feel finally after all of these years.

Hope this poll helps...Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
1. a, 2.a, 3. a, 4. d, 5. b, 6. d, 7. c, 8. -if this is meaning a therapist actually doing my clapping, then-a, 9. d, 10. maybe A, if it was the size of a car, but probably E. 11. if they could find anything else that made clearance more effective I would say I try it, and not care too much about the specifics. (cost, size, ect..) But a more comfortable vest would be awesome!


New member
what's the purpose for the questions and the anonymity? just like to know what it is being used for...