Poll - sleep position vs. worse side...is there a connection??


I don't have a worse side as far as I know, and I fall asleep quickest on my stomach (I've never been able to fall asleep on my back, or at least very rarely).


I fall asleep on my left side and tend to stay that way for most of the night. My left lung is considered more affected than my right, though I think that started before I made a habit of sleeping on it.

I can't sleep on my right because that usually causes me to cough up gunk throughout the night, turning me into a v-e-r-y cranky woman.


I fall asleep on my left side and tend to stay that way for most of the night. My left lung is considered more affected than my right, though I think that started before I made a habit of sleeping on it.

I can't sleep on my right because that usually causes me to cough up gunk throughout the night, turning me into a v-e-r-y cranky woman.


I fall asleep on my left side and tend to stay that way for most of the night. My left lung is considered more affected than my right, though I think that started before I made a habit of sleeping on it.
<br />
<br />I can't sleep on my right because that usually causes me to cough up gunk throughout the night, turning me into a v-e-r-y cranky woman.