polyup surgery... again


New member
so guys, im having my 6th polyup removal surgery on friday...and i've just begun freaking out.

i don't mind the surgery, but its like, then again it is <i>surgery</i>... so i guess i just needed to vent..

i'm sure there will be more to come (probably thursday night)

im trying to keep a positive attitude, but from previous experience, i know i basically break down right before they try and get the IV in me to put me asleep...then since im balling they can't get a vain, and then once they get a vain, i won't let them give me the sleepy stuff because i hate how it makes me feel. ickk im not looking forward to this...



New member
so guys, im having my 6th polyup removal surgery on friday...and i've just begun freaking out.

i don't mind the surgery, but its like, then again it is <i>surgery</i>... so i guess i just needed to vent..

i'm sure there will be more to come (probably thursday night)

im trying to keep a positive attitude, but from previous experience, i know i basically break down right before they try and get the IV in me to put me asleep...then since im balling they can't get a vain, and then once they get a vain, i won't let them give me the sleepy stuff because i hate how it makes me feel. ickk im not looking forward to this...



New member
I never had one of those surgeries maybe u can explain what they are for and stuff..from the sound of it "polyup" sounds like something that has to do with your nose...i have a diviated septum i didnt know they could do surgery for that too but after what i seen i dont think i want to lol. Well i should go look up some stuff i am not sure. Ttyl thanks ^_^


New member
I never had one of those surgeries maybe u can explain what they are for and stuff..from the sound of it "polyup" sounds like something that has to do with your nose...i have a diviated septum i didnt know they could do surgery for that too but after what i seen i dont think i want to lol. Well i should go look up some stuff i am not sure. Ttyl thanks ^_^


New member
Hey there,
I haven't had surgery for polyps, but have had a few surgeries for other things and I understand the stress. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I always try to keep myself preoccupied with other things - i.e. joking and laughing but always break down when they mention needles/IVs and the actual procedure. I always stress out too. I hope that everything goes okay for you, I am sure you will be fine.

I don't have a hard time with the anesthesia making me sick or anything, but I know alot of people do though, do they give you meds for nausea - I know they usually give me something and I don't have any ill effects from the anesthesia. My mom gave me a tip on handling the panic of going under though - just to find a focal point in the room and focus on that. I go for vents - cause they are on the ceiling and easy to keep an eye on. In the hospital here the vents have hundreds of little holes in them, and when the meds start working they start to run together and look like a conveyor belt. It may seem strange, but I find this amusing and relaxing for whatever reason and it helps me to keep my mind off of what is going on around me.

I do hope everything goes well and that you are back at home in no time. Is it out patient or in patient surgery when they remove polyps? Hopefully it is outpatient so you can go home sooner.

You'll be in my thoughts,


New member
Hey there,
I haven't had surgery for polyps, but have had a few surgeries for other things and I understand the stress. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I always try to keep myself preoccupied with other things - i.e. joking and laughing but always break down when they mention needles/IVs and the actual procedure. I always stress out too. I hope that everything goes okay for you, I am sure you will be fine.

I don't have a hard time with the anesthesia making me sick or anything, but I know alot of people do though, do they give you meds for nausea - I know they usually give me something and I don't have any ill effects from the anesthesia. My mom gave me a tip on handling the panic of going under though - just to find a focal point in the room and focus on that. I go for vents - cause they are on the ceiling and easy to keep an eye on. In the hospital here the vents have hundreds of little holes in them, and when the meds start working they start to run together and look like a conveyor belt. It may seem strange, but I find this amusing and relaxing for whatever reason and it helps me to keep my mind off of what is going on around me.

I do hope everything goes well and that you are back at home in no time. Is it out patient or in patient surgery when they remove polyps? Hopefully it is outpatient so you can go home sooner.

You'll be in my thoughts,


New member
Hi Kate, I've had 2 sinus surgeries to remove polyps. I never had a bad experience, just a little stressful right before because you do have to go under. I actually enjoy right before going under, but always hope that I will wake up safely. And I have. For me, they cut little "windows" on each side of my upper nose bone so that things would drain better for the long term. Have they done that for you, or are they just cleaning you out?


New member
Hi Kate, I've had 2 sinus surgeries to remove polyps. I never had a bad experience, just a little stressful right before because you do have to go under. I actually enjoy right before going under, but always hope that I will wake up safely. And I have. For me, they cut little "windows" on each side of my upper nose bone so that things would drain better for the long term. Have they done that for you, or are they just cleaning you out?


New member
Hi Kate

I wish you the best for your surgery. I know what sinus surgery is like. I had it one time after my first transplant. I told them I did not want to be put under and I actually was up during the whole procedure but put into a twilight sleep and remember talking and saying really private information. lol IT did not hurt too badly but since it was right after my transplant I did not want to be put under general.

Do they give you general or do they give you a local anesthetic? I hope this is your last surgery. I can tell you that fear can make you feel really badly so if you can relax and TRUST the team that is taking care of you, your experience will go that much better. Getting a vein on a cf patient can be difficult but it really helps to relax for that too. Take some deep breaths and pray. Do whatever it takes to get you through the moment because that is all it is. A moment that will go away and you will be fine.

You look too good to feel bad. By the way, mention if it is ok to take trace minerals as I have read that many CF patients lack certain trace minerals. Once I starting taking trace minerals in my twenties, I stopped having lung bleeding episodes. Even when I got more advanced with the cF later on i never got the bleeding again. I took selenium, magnesium, calcium and many trace minerals along with many vitamins. A good multi is good but they never have all the trace elements

God Bless You


New member
Hi Kate

I wish you the best for your surgery. I know what sinus surgery is like. I had it one time after my first transplant. I told them I did not want to be put under and I actually was up during the whole procedure but put into a twilight sleep and remember talking and saying really private information. lol IT did not hurt too badly but since it was right after my transplant I did not want to be put under general.

Do they give you general or do they give you a local anesthetic? I hope this is your last surgery. I can tell you that fear can make you feel really badly so if you can relax and TRUST the team that is taking care of you, your experience will go that much better. Getting a vein on a cf patient can be difficult but it really helps to relax for that too. Take some deep breaths and pray. Do whatever it takes to get you through the moment because that is all it is. A moment that will go away and you will be fine.

You look too good to feel bad. By the way, mention if it is ok to take trace minerals as I have read that many CF patients lack certain trace minerals. Once I starting taking trace minerals in my twenties, I stopped having lung bleeding episodes. Even when I got more advanced with the cF later on i never got the bleeding again. I took selenium, magnesium, calcium and many trace minerals along with many vitamins. A good multi is good but they never have all the trace elements

God Bless You


New member
thank you guys so much, your words reallly help....and im seriously thinking about this conveyor belt thingy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

im going to print out this line or chats to bring into the hospital, hopefully it will calm down...and plus, this is the first time i've had an Ipod with me.....so maybe the music will help?

ickk im not sure....

today i started doxyciclean, levaquin, and prednisone, along with tylenol for headaches...
my stomach is doing loops, but its all hopefully going to go away with the surgery, and the treatment afterwards...

well thanks everyone!


New member
thank you guys so much, your words reallly help....and im seriously thinking about this conveyor belt thingy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

im going to print out this line or chats to bring into the hospital, hopefully it will calm down...and plus, this is the first time i've had an Ipod with me.....so maybe the music will help?

ickk im not sure....

today i started doxyciclean, levaquin, and prednisone, along with tylenol for headaches...
my stomach is doing loops, but its all hopefully going to go away with the surgery, and the treatment afterwards...

well thanks everyone!


New member
good luck with your surgery. i have sinus problems too. but i didnt get surgery because they said polyps usally come back. and im scared too!! lol i said can i stick w/ the boogy nose untill my nose falls off! but has the surgery helped you any.... i would love to know cause i still may have to get the surgery some day soon!!! hope all is well keep us posted


New member
good luck with your surgery. i have sinus problems too. but i didnt get surgery because they said polyps usally come back. and im scared too!! lol i said can i stick w/ the boogy nose untill my nose falls off! but has the surgery helped you any.... i would love to know cause i still may have to get the surgery some day soon!!! hope all is well keep us posted


New member
Hi Kate,
I had a sinus surgery 10 yhears ago and i remember how scared i was so i can understand what you are feeling. My mother has had some surgeries in the past for gallbladder, hysterectomy , and something else i cant remember, but she told me each time she was in the or waiting to be put under she would start to pray ( saying a Hail Mary or Our Father) and before she knew it she was waking up all finished her surgery. I tried that tactic also when they started giving me anesthesia ( HATED the way it made me feel) and it did ease things for me because i was concentrating on saying the prayer and they were waking me up before i knew it. Good luck and i hope this one will be the last one you have to have.


New member
Hi Kate,
I had a sinus surgery 10 yhears ago and i remember how scared i was so i can understand what you are feeling. My mother has had some surgeries in the past for gallbladder, hysterectomy , and something else i cant remember, but she told me each time she was in the or waiting to be put under she would start to pray ( saying a Hail Mary or Our Father) and before she knew it she was waking up all finished her surgery. I tried that tactic also when they started giving me anesthesia ( HATED the way it made me feel) and it did ease things for me because i was concentrating on saying the prayer and they were waking me up before i knew it. Good luck and i hope this one will be the last one you have to have.


I had that same surgery...but only once. Then my polyups grew back within a few months, so they decided why bother doing it again.
Is there a reason why they keep doing the same procedure on ya? That must be very frustrating! When I was little they used to make me jam a water pic up my nose with salt water to try and keep them from growing back...that was far more unpleasant then it even sounds! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


I had that same surgery...but only once. Then my polyups grew back within a few months, so they decided why bother doing it again.
Is there a reason why they keep doing the same procedure on ya? That must be very frustrating! When I was little they used to make me jam a water pic up my nose with salt water to try and keep them from growing back...that was far more unpleasant then it even sounds! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
haha, ben -i do the simply saline stuff that you get at the store, but i don't find it helps me alll the much, they wanted me to do the water pick thing when i was like 7, but *somehow* the water pick kept *breaking* ...tehehehe...

jenn- i would def. recommend the surgery if you can't breath, or are getting sinus infections, it helps alot! and supposedly you grow out of it later on.... and seriously, we let my polyups grow forever untill i couldnt take the pressure, and my nose got physically bigger *not that i neeeed a bigger one to start with* lol!

benn and jenn- they keep doing the surgeries because i either can't breath/smell through my nose eventually, or like this time, the polyups are keeping stuff that supposed to be coming out in my nose, and causing infections... for a while i've been taking MASS does's of motrin or tylenol just to keep the head aches away

diane- i'll try that...i knew those confirmation classes would pay off some how <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

thanks for everyone's help!
if anyone has anymore tips.... they would be muchh apprieciated!


New member
haha, ben -i do the simply saline stuff that you get at the store, but i don't find it helps me alll the much, they wanted me to do the water pick thing when i was like 7, but *somehow* the water pick kept *breaking* ...tehehehe...

jenn- i would def. recommend the surgery if you can't breath, or are getting sinus infections, it helps alot! and supposedly you grow out of it later on.... and seriously, we let my polyups grow forever untill i couldnt take the pressure, and my nose got physically bigger *not that i neeeed a bigger one to start with* lol!

benn and jenn- they keep doing the surgeries because i either can't breath/smell through my nose eventually, or like this time, the polyups are keeping stuff that supposed to be coming out in my nose, and causing infections... for a while i've been taking MASS does's of motrin or tylenol just to keep the head aches away

diane- i'll try that...i knew those confirmation classes would pay off some how <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

thanks for everyone's help!
if anyone has anymore tips.... they would be muchh apprieciated!