polyup surgery... again


New member
hey Chad! haha well im happy you got checked out...i usually start sound funny too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my friend usually know before i do....tehe,

well no worries, it doesnt hurt afterwords, sometimes they do this thing where they pack your nose afterwords with gauze or w/e, but my doctor doesnt like that idea. lots of saline afterwords and stuff.... saline=my life for the first week-ish..

they can perscribe you painkillers, and they have for me, but i never took them... just let them expire really. its becoming a day surgery now, so if everything goes right, a normal person can usually go home the day of...but since i have CF/all that other stuff, i usually say 2 nights..

i hope this helps!
i'll email u if u come up with more questions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
good luck!


New member
hey Chad! haha well im happy you got checked out...i usually start sound funny too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> my friend usually know before i do....tehe,

well no worries, it doesnt hurt afterwords, sometimes they do this thing where they pack your nose afterwords with gauze or w/e, but my doctor doesnt like that idea. lots of saline afterwords and stuff.... saline=my life for the first week-ish..

they can perscribe you painkillers, and they have for me, but i never took them... just let them expire really. its becoming a day surgery now, so if everything goes right, a normal person can usually go home the day of...but since i have CF/all that other stuff, i usually say 2 nights..

i hope this helps!
i'll email u if u come up with more questions <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
good luck!


New member

I had many of these surgerys when I was a kid, but only the first one was done in a clinic with a full anesthesia. The following were done by my doctor in his rooms with only local anesthesia, so I could go home with my parents at once. The polyps stopped growing again when I started taking oral antibiotics all the time with 12.



New member

I had many of these surgerys when I was a kid, but only the first one was done in a clinic with a full anesthesia. The following were done by my doctor in his rooms with only local anesthesia, so I could go home with my parents at once. The polyps stopped growing again when I started taking oral antibiotics all the time with 12.



New member
Hi Kate,

Good luck with your sinus surgery. I'm sure you'll be fine. I had 3 sinus surgeries in the past 6 years. If I may ask, what nasal sprays or irrigations are you using if any? What I found to really help me is Neil Med's Sinus Rinse. After my third surgery, my doctor recommended it to me. It has prevented at least 2 sinus infections during the past 2 years. Also, I haven't come close to needing another surgery. I was even able to stop my Rhinocort. All the sinus rinse is is an 8 oz. bottle that you fill with water and 1 packet of premeasured salt. I do it 3-4 times a day.

Here is the website: www.sinusrinse.com
Check it out

Jennifer 24 w/CF


New member
Hi Kate,

Good luck with your sinus surgery. I'm sure you'll be fine. I had 3 sinus surgeries in the past 6 years. If I may ask, what nasal sprays or irrigations are you using if any? What I found to really help me is Neil Med's Sinus Rinse. After my third surgery, my doctor recommended it to me. It has prevented at least 2 sinus infections during the past 2 years. Also, I haven't come close to needing another surgery. I was even able to stop my Rhinocort. All the sinus rinse is is an 8 oz. bottle that you fill with water and 1 packet of premeasured salt. I do it 3-4 times a day.

Here is the website: www.sinusrinse.com
Check it out

Jennifer 24 w/CF


New member
My brother had a scan today on his sinus and hes waiting on a call to go in and get his polyups removed.It will be his 8th time. Its his only real cf problem. This time they are going to put splints in his nose after cause the wall of his nose is damaged after so many operations. I have cf too by the way. I wish polyups were my only problem lol...Gary 23/Ireland


New member
My brother had a scan today on his sinus and hes waiting on a call to go in and get his polyups removed.It will be his 8th time. Its his only real cf problem. This time they are going to put splints in his nose after cause the wall of his nose is damaged after so many operations. I have cf too by the way. I wish polyups were my only problem lol...Gary 23/Ireland


New member
I have had 8 sinus surgeries. Each one is different, must depend on how hard they have to scrape. If all they are doing is removing polyps then it is not bad. It is when they have to start revising the scar tissue and opening things up wider. Yes they always give me some good pain killers and usually predinsone which ususally makes me higher than a kite.


New member
I have had 8 sinus surgeries. Each one is different, must depend on how hard they have to scrape. If all they are doing is removing polyps then it is not bad. It is when they have to start revising the scar tissue and opening things up wider. Yes they always give me some good pain killers and usually predinsone which ususally makes me higher than a kite.


New member
Hey there guys.
I have been reading through this post and had a question for you guys with polyps. Have you ever had any success with medicated nose sprays shrinking a polyp or making it disappear completely?
I am asking for a reason
I have a polyp I can't remember which nostril it is in, but I have had it for years. It does affect my sense of smell to some degree, but I can live with it. My docs have told me not to worry about surgery unless it starts to affect my breathing. I am also on Nasacort. I remember when I was younger being on a medicated nose spray for a while and the docs telling me the polyp had actually shrunk in size- it has since come back because I had to stop using that nose spray (it caused me to have chronic nose bleeds after extended use). I was just wondering if anybody on here with chronic polyp issues had seen any results with using the medicated nose sprays like that.
My curious mind would just like to know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.



New member
Hey there guys.
I have been reading through this post and had a question for you guys with polyps. Have you ever had any success with medicated nose sprays shrinking a polyp or making it disappear completely?
I am asking for a reason
I have a polyp I can't remember which nostril it is in, but I have had it for years. It does affect my sense of smell to some degree, but I can live with it. My docs have told me not to worry about surgery unless it starts to affect my breathing. I am also on Nasacort. I remember when I was younger being on a medicated nose spray for a while and the docs telling me the polyp had actually shrunk in size- it has since come back because I had to stop using that nose spray (it caused me to have chronic nose bleeds after extended use). I was just wondering if anybody on here with chronic polyp issues had seen any results with using the medicated nose sprays like that.
My curious mind would just like to know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.



New member
hi everyone!

well just to answer some people questions.. ...

i am not on any nassal sprays right now other then simply saline, which is pressurized salt spray... my doctors/I have never found that any of the medications i have been on actually shrink the polyups, but many have certainly helped (other medications i've been on: nasonex, rhinocourt,)

gary and becca- 8 times! omgoodness! haha, i really hope this is my last one... i hope both of you/your brother, are out of the zone for the whole sinus area, its a pain in the butt as you know!

everyone- thats for your ecouraging words!... 12 hours and counting! i'll be on my way to the hospital, have to stop eating at midnight tonight...eek!

thanks everyone, and <b>ttyl</b>!


New member
hi everyone!

well just to answer some people questions.. ...

i am not on any nassal sprays right now other then simply saline, which is pressurized salt spray... my doctors/I have never found that any of the medications i have been on actually shrink the polyups, but many have certainly helped (other medications i've been on: nasonex, rhinocourt,)

gary and becca- 8 times! omgoodness! haha, i really hope this is my last one... i hope both of you/your brother, are out of the zone for the whole sinus area, its a pain in the butt as you know!

everyone- thats for your ecouraging words!... 12 hours and counting! i'll be on my way to the hospital, have to stop eating at midnight tonight...eek!

thanks everyone, and <b>ttyl</b>!


New member

I have to have my first sinus surgery next month, 2 removed. I'm very nervous, not so much about the pain, but about being put under. I have this fear of waking up during procedures. Anyway, I was told it was routine too. But I'm still worried.

By the way, Kate you're very pretty, and look very healthy. Good for you!



New member

I have to have my first sinus surgery next month, 2 removed. I'm very nervous, not so much about the pain, but about being put under. I have this fear of waking up during procedures. Anyway, I was told it was routine too. But I'm still worried.

By the way, Kate you're very pretty, and look very healthy. Good for you!



New member
Hi everybody! im home! haha... well everything seems to have gone good with my surgery, i've been pretty asthma-y (tehe) but as long as i rest i seem to be okay... i hate not being able to take care of myself though! kinda weird i guess, but i like being able to have controlll... haha.

it was really weird, in the little waiting area when i had my IV, etc. there were 2 other 16 or 17 year old girls waiting for surgery...one was getting her tonsils out, and the other was the same as me, but she didnt have CF i don't think. it was a little teen party, kinda funny...all the girls getting IV's placed, crying, and killing their moms hands at the same time!

christian- good luck with your surgery, and i know exactly what your feeling. before the surgery (after they gave me the stuff to calm me down) i said, "YOU GIVE ME LOTS OF SLEEPY STUFF, I DON"T WANNA WAKE UP!" and the doctors all laughed, but i was like .... IM SERIOUS. hahaha, that calming stuff helps, but makes you sound so stupid! tehe. waking up IS my worst fear, so don't feel alone! and thank you for saying im pretty <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> haha!

thanks for everyone's support! it truly helped!


New member
Hi everybody! im home! haha... well everything seems to have gone good with my surgery, i've been pretty asthma-y (tehe) but as long as i rest i seem to be okay... i hate not being able to take care of myself though! kinda weird i guess, but i like being able to have controlll... haha.

it was really weird, in the little waiting area when i had my IV, etc. there were 2 other 16 or 17 year old girls waiting for surgery...one was getting her tonsils out, and the other was the same as me, but she didnt have CF i don't think. it was a little teen party, kinda funny...all the girls getting IV's placed, crying, and killing their moms hands at the same time!

christian- good luck with your surgery, and i know exactly what your feeling. before the surgery (after they gave me the stuff to calm me down) i said, "YOU GIVE ME LOTS OF SLEEPY STUFF, I DON"T WANNA WAKE UP!" and the doctors all laughed, but i was like .... IM SERIOUS. hahaha, that calming stuff helps, but makes you sound so stupid! tehe. waking up IS my worst fear, so don't feel alone! and thank you for saying im pretty <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> haha!

thanks for everyone's support! it truly helped!


Digital opinion leader
Hi Chad,
My kids have each had two sinus surgeries with no problem at all, just a little draining, a little blood. They didn't need any pain meds, but their doctor did want them to do IV antibiotics for two weeks after, just because of the infections they had in their sinuses. If we didn't have to stay for the cleanout- they would have been home the next morning. Its more of a nusiance than anything.


Digital opinion leader
Hi Chad,
My kids have each had two sinus surgeries with no problem at all, just a little draining, a little blood. They didn't need any pain meds, but their doctor did want them to do IV antibiotics for two weeks after, just because of the infections they had in their sinuses. If we didn't have to stay for the cleanout- they would have been home the next morning. Its more of a nusiance than anything.