poopy help, please...DIOS?


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Hey all,

New to the forum and glad to have found you. My son, 3, has been having poopy problems (other than the "typical" CF ones) for a few weeks now. He went through a week where he was bound up, and we had to do baby lax three times. We called the GI and got an appointment. After the babylax, he would go, but it would be thick and pasty. After the third baby lax, and for a few weeks now, his stools have been TOTALLY foul smelling (worse than usual), really loose, and often bulky. He is very gaseous, again, MUCH worse smelling and more frequent than ususal. He has complained at times of stomach aches. His appetite has decreased...granted, he's a picky toddler, but this is a boy who can really eat some of his favorites and even that's not cutting it. The GI didn't do an xray, and I am kicking myself for not pushing harder for one. His belly doesn't seem distended. Over our recent vacation, on this past Sunday and Monday, he also had vomitting and was complaining about his stomach. We paged our doc and was told it was a stomach bug. But in between these explosive, stinky stools, and decreased apetite, he is still his regular self. Something is wrong with these poops, and we are not sure what, and feeling like we are getting no where with the doc. I fear him losing weight or worse. any ideas? his symptoms read like those of DIOS, but I don't know if I am being overconcerned or reading too much into things. As his mommy, I know that SOMETHING is not right.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

I have contacted a CF clinic in another state for an appointment, as I am less than satisfied (and have been for some time) with the care he is currently getting.

Thanks in advance.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
It doesnt sound different then CF poop to me. Maybe for HIM its different, but in general I would say no.

He might need a change in diet or enzymes. Have you noticed anything that he eats/drinks that triggers it?

BTW just because he finally poops after giving babylax doesnt mean there isnt an obtruction especially with it being so thick & pasty.

An xray definitely should have been done.


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


New member
I don't really have any suggestions, but I wanted to second Mel's "an x-ray should have been done." I hope you are able to get into the other clinic SOON! SOmething's not right. It might be something big or something small, but it's something other than a stomach bug, I think.

Have you tried adjusting enzymes? He may need more, or a different type. I usually don't increase the dosage withoug calling the clinic first, but sometimes when Emily goes through a spell where she has more frequent or more bulky (they're always SMELLY...no change there) stools, I'll try splitting her enzymes, half at the start of the meal, half at the end. I don't know why, but this helps. Then, things go back to normal for a while and we give them to her all at the start. I don't know, maybe there isn't really a connection, but it works for us.

I hope you will start a blog and tell us more about Finnegan. I hope you will get the quality of care you are seeking. Nothing is more disheartening than not being able to trust your doctors!

take care!


My daughter went through a lot of intestinal problems in her first few years as she was born with Miconeum Ileus and had to have bowel reconstruction. So I'm not sure if this would be relevant to Finn's situation, but she went through a time with explosive, stinky, poo's along with stomach aches and they determined that she was "dumping"..is that DIOS? They started her on an oral medication and did a few Barium GI's to watch everything and over time it cleared up. It has not returned again -

Hope this helps,


My daughter went through a lot of intestinal problems in her first few years as she was born with Miconeum Ileus and had to have bowel reconstruction. So I'm not sure if this would be relevant to Finn's situation, but she went through a time with explosive, stinky, poo's along with stomach aches and they determined that she was "dumping"..is that DIOS? They started her on an oral medication and did a few Barium GI's to watch everything and over time it cleared up. It has not returned again -

Hope this helps,