

New member
Hi there,
This may sound like a silly question, but here it goes anyways. Our daughter is 5 yrs old and the past 3 times that she has had popcorn she has felt sick to her stomach. Does anyone else have trouble digesting popcorn or other foods.



New member
It might not be a CF thing if its from the popcorn. My daughter (non CF)loves popcorn, BUT if she eats too much she gets constipated & the artificial butter flavor at the movie theatersbother her so she cant have a lot. Thats all I do for you. I am the one with CF & have no problem!


New member
If it is buttery popcorn it could have a lot of grease, which is a huge problem for many CFers. Have you tried the Kettlecorn kind? That's pretty grease free.


New member
Brady, our 4 year old can not eat popcorn, peanuts, or corn for sure. It is a cf thing, he gets terrible blockages and the cf doctors confirmed that these foods were the cause, even from baby corn he had a week long blockage and even 4 to 5 days later he was bringing up whole corn. He knows not to eat these things. He gets severe pain and can't eat anything, loses weight, vomits, can't stool, then we have to do extra laxatives and enemas- NOT FUN! He has been in for bowel clean-outs, I would suggest to keep your child away from the popcorn. Brady did have a burst bowel at birth which required surgery.


Step mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q deletion q 21.2 q 22.1


New member
I also get sick when I eat more that a handful or two of popcorn (peanuts too) and I don't have cf, but my daughter with cf can eat them fine.


New member
It makes sense, because by nature corn does not get digested in anyones digestive tract, so the "theory" makes sense.


New member
The only thing I've ever had a problem with was fried meats like bacon or sausages. That's because of the high grease content. I usually get a bit of an upset stomach afterwards.


I also found popcorn to be hard to handle, sometimes, but always thought it was because of too much butter and fat in it. I usually had been sticking to pretzels, though on occasion, I like to eat some microwave popcorn while waching an exciting DVD movie!!

Like Liz, I can't handle too many greasy foods. And, sometimes I don't know I had too much until the next day, usually<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">