Hi, Someone mentioned a college freshman daughter that is using the Pari Trek. How is that going? I have been looking at it for a couple of months now but haven't heard of anyone that is actually using it. I asked American Allergy Supply if they were going to be carrying it but they said probably not and didn't really recommend it as it was still new and being so small that it might not deliver the meds as well as the Duraneb 3000 that we already have. I have been dying to hear from someone who's used/using it. Has your daughter been using it long? Does she feel like she's getting a good treatment with it? I have two girls with CF, one 17 (on Monday) she's a junior in HS and uses the Duraneb 3000, my other daughter is 13 in the 8th grade and uses the Pari turbo. I have wanted to buy the Pari Trek since I first saw it. My younger daughter will be going to cheer camp this summer and I thought it would be great for her to have a smaller more compact machine. You know, the less stuff to carry the better. I'd get it for my older daughter too but we just bought her Duraneb 3000 two years ago. May I ask also, how is your daughter doing at her first year in college? Does she live in the dorm? My oldest, like most teens I guess, wants to go away to school. Not just another state but preferably in England. I'm already feeling the worry at just the thought of her being in another state, much less another country. I suppose we have to let go and let them be at some point but how do you do it? I know this is off the topic, sorry. And to the other person that posted saying their doc gave them a pamplet on the pari trek, did it say it delivered the meds equally as well as a regular sized machine? I didn't see anything about that on the Pari website. Thanks for the info you can give.Liza