My son is 2 years old. He has had a cough off and on since he was an infant. He has a runny nose off and on, and he has had wheezing a couple of times. He has taken tons of antiobiotics to clear up sinus no avail. He has never had any type of chest issues and no tummy problems. He is small and has a very small appetite. We went to the allergist, and he didn't test positive for the most common allergens. We then went for a CT of the sinuses -- which showed chronic, severe infection. The ENT did a culture which came back as pseudomonas aeruginosa. Everyone is freaked right now. They have started him on oral Cipro, and we see a pediatric infectious disease doc on Monday. We go for a sweat test on Tuesday. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I know speculating and worrying is doing no good, but I just cannot stop myself. I know you cannot tell me whether or not he has CF. Mostly, I want to know if you know of anyone who has a sinus infection with p. aeruginosa as their only symptom? Thanks in advance!