Possible Meconium Ileus update



Just heard from my daughter and they saw a whole team of specialists and had an in depth ultrasound and everyone agrees the bowel is normal. It's a little larger than some bowel sizes but in the high range of normal and they said bowel sizes vary and this never would have even been considered suspicious if not for CF being in the family. We know this baby still could have CF but that will be dealt with if and when the time comes. They will check again in a month but said highly unlikely there will be a problem. Thank you everyone for all your support.


Possible Meconium Ileus

curios, my grandson has been having issues lately. tried huge bottle of muralax w/60 oz. gatorade helped a little,then reacured 2 weeks later. 1st time did xray, 1 dr. said really full, need to come in 1st thing in morning, we get there, another dr. says oh I don't see much [after waiting 3 hrs.,and grandson missing field trip] go home and give bottle muralax w/gatorade. this last time they did enemas and muralax in hospital and released next day, go home do muralax thing again. So far so good,been 4 days. Does this seem routine to everyone. when I took him second time to er., he couldn't even keep drinks down.


I will keep you posted after the next ultrasound in a month and then again when the baby is born.


Just to let everyone know, the baby was born on Aug. 28th and there was NO OBSTRUCTION. She passed her first stool with no problem and has been passing them ever since. Now we just have to wait on the results of the newborn screening to see if she even has CF.


Just received the best news. Baby does NOT have CF!!!!!!!!