Possibly moving to South Carolina


New member
There is a possibility that we may be moving to South Carolina. I dont know what part of SC yet. I am searching for anyone who lives there and brings their child to a CF Center. The name of the center or a contact number would be great. Or if anyone has advice on a different center that they recommend. thanks
mama to Aidan w/CF 2yr old


New member
There is a possibility that we may be moving to South Carolina. I dont know what part of SC yet. I am searching for anyone who lives there and brings their child to a CF Center. The name of the center or a contact number would be great. Or if anyone has advice on a different center that they recommend. thanks
mama to Aidan w/CF 2yr old


New member
There is a possibility that we may be moving to South Carolina. I dont know what part of SC yet. I am searching for anyone who lives there and brings their child to a CF Center. The name of the center or a contact number would be great. Or if anyone has advice on a different center that they recommend. thanks
mama to Aidan w/CF 2yr old


New member
There is a possibility that we may be moving to South Carolina. I dont know what part of SC yet. I am searching for anyone who lives there and brings their child to a CF Center. The name of the center or a contact number would be great. Or if anyone has advice on a different center that they recommend. thanks
mama to Aidan w/CF 2yr old


New member
There is a possibility that we may be moving to South Carolina. I dont know what part of SC yet. I am searching for anyone who lives there and brings their child to a CF Center. The name of the center or a contact number would be great. Or if anyone has advice on a different center that they recommend. thanks
<br />--------------------------------------------------------
<br />Elizabeth
<br />mama to Aidan w/CF 2yr old


If you are in the northern part of South Carolina, you may want to consider UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We love it!


If you are in the northern part of South Carolina, you may want to consider UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We love it!


If you are in the northern part of South Carolina, you may want to consider UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We love it!


If you are in the northern part of South Carolina, you may want to consider UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We love it!


If you are in the northern part of South Carolina, you may want to consider UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We love it!


New member
I live in SC, I go to the adult CF center in COlumbia, I love my Dr.. DR Perkins, Not a fan of the man doctor but I won't say his name on the internet because I am a professional, and I also work with them Professionally.... on occasion...

Dr Perkins is amazing, but she is adults.... They also have a childrens CF center there, They actually have a very large Children's hospital there and a brand new free standing hospital that is just opening up soon,

I know in Charleston they have the MUSC, which is a kick butt CF center as well.... My doctor in NJ, who I highly respect liked the adult CF doctor there at MUSC, I also work in a Children's emergency room and at times we see a lot of the children from the Medically Fragile Children's program from there, They do a wonderful job........

If you are moving to the Columbia area, let me know and I will get the names of the Peds CF center from my doctor, either one you chose, Columbia and Charleston are only about 1 1/2 hours from each other so you can choose.

BTW, I don't know where you are living now, But I moved here in OCtober from the North and I am in LOVE with the South... especially SC...... The people are so nice, the weather is amazing... ( I am dreading the hot summers) but it is nice here.. once you get past the accent of understanding everyone....

Best of luck



New member
I live in SC, I go to the adult CF center in COlumbia, I love my Dr.. DR Perkins, Not a fan of the man doctor but I won't say his name on the internet because I am a professional, and I also work with them Professionally.... on occasion...

Dr Perkins is amazing, but she is adults.... They also have a childrens CF center there, They actually have a very large Children's hospital there and a brand new free standing hospital that is just opening up soon,

I know in Charleston they have the MUSC, which is a kick butt CF center as well.... My doctor in NJ, who I highly respect liked the adult CF doctor there at MUSC, I also work in a Children's emergency room and at times we see a lot of the children from the Medically Fragile Children's program from there, They do a wonderful job........

If you are moving to the Columbia area, let me know and I will get the names of the Peds CF center from my doctor, either one you chose, Columbia and Charleston are only about 1 1/2 hours from each other so you can choose.

BTW, I don't know where you are living now, But I moved here in OCtober from the North and I am in LOVE with the South... especially SC...... The people are so nice, the weather is amazing... ( I am dreading the hot summers) but it is nice here.. once you get past the accent of understanding everyone....

Best of luck



New member
I live in SC, I go to the adult CF center in COlumbia, I love my Dr.. DR Perkins, Not a fan of the man doctor but I won't say his name on the internet because I am a professional, and I also work with them Professionally.... on occasion...

Dr Perkins is amazing, but she is adults.... They also have a childrens CF center there, They actually have a very large Children's hospital there and a brand new free standing hospital that is just opening up soon,

I know in Charleston they have the MUSC, which is a kick butt CF center as well.... My doctor in NJ, who I highly respect liked the adult CF doctor there at MUSC, I also work in a Children's emergency room and at times we see a lot of the children from the Medically Fragile Children's program from there, They do a wonderful job........

If you are moving to the Columbia area, let me know and I will get the names of the Peds CF center from my doctor, either one you chose, Columbia and Charleston are only about 1 1/2 hours from each other so you can choose.

BTW, I don't know where you are living now, But I moved here in OCtober from the North and I am in LOVE with the South... especially SC...... The people are so nice, the weather is amazing... ( I am dreading the hot summers) but it is nice here.. once you get past the accent of understanding everyone....

Best of luck



New member
I live in SC, I go to the adult CF center in COlumbia, I love my Dr.. DR Perkins, Not a fan of the man doctor but I won't say his name on the internet because I am a professional, and I also work with them Professionally.... on occasion...

Dr Perkins is amazing, but she is adults.... They also have a childrens CF center there, They actually have a very large Children's hospital there and a brand new free standing hospital that is just opening up soon,

I know in Charleston they have the MUSC, which is a kick butt CF center as well.... My doctor in NJ, who I highly respect liked the adult CF doctor there at MUSC, I also work in a Children's emergency room and at times we see a lot of the children from the Medically Fragile Children's program from there, They do a wonderful job........

If you are moving to the Columbia area, let me know and I will get the names of the Peds CF center from my doctor, either one you chose, Columbia and Charleston are only about 1 1/2 hours from each other so you can choose.

BTW, I don't know where you are living now, But I moved here in OCtober from the North and I am in LOVE with the South... especially SC...... The people are so nice, the weather is amazing... ( I am dreading the hot summers) but it is nice here.. once you get past the accent of understanding everyone....

Best of luck



New member
I live in SC, I go to the adult CF center in COlumbia, I love my Dr.. DR Perkins, Not a fan of the man doctor but I won't say his name on the internet because I am a professional, and I also work with them Professionally.... on occasion...
<br />
<br />Dr Perkins is amazing, but she is adults.... They also have a childrens CF center there, They actually have a very large Children's hospital there and a brand new free standing hospital that is just opening up soon,
<br />
<br />I know in Charleston they have the MUSC, which is a kick butt CF center as well.... My doctor in NJ, who I highly respect liked the adult CF doctor there at MUSC, I also work in a Children's emergency room and at times we see a lot of the children from the Medically Fragile Children's program from there, They do a wonderful job........
<br />
<br />If you are moving to the Columbia area, let me know and I will get the names of the Peds CF center from my doctor, either one you chose, Columbia and Charleston are only about 1 1/2 hours from each other so you can choose.
<br />
<br />BTW, I don't know where you are living now, But I moved here in OCtober from the North and I am in LOVE with the South... especially SC...... The people are so nice, the weather is amazing... ( I am dreading the hot summers) but it is nice here.. once you get past the accent of understanding everyone....
<br />
<br />Best of luck
<br />
<br />Jennifer


New member
I was diagnosed at MUSC Children's hospital in Charleston. Dr.Bowman is a great doctor, the RT who I believe is still there is awesome and the Children's hospital is great in general. Dr.Bowman was the only ped CF doc when I went there but I know they have more now

I've also heard good things about Columbia however I only live an hour from Charleston, about 3 hours from Columbia so in my case that played a huge part in chosing

The new patient phone number for the peds CF clinic at MUSC is (843) 792-1414 or toll free 1-800-424-MUSC.

They only have clinic on tuesdays 8AM to 12PM


New member
I was diagnosed at MUSC Children's hospital in Charleston. Dr.Bowman is a great doctor, the RT who I believe is still there is awesome and the Children's hospital is great in general. Dr.Bowman was the only ped CF doc when I went there but I know they have more now

I've also heard good things about Columbia however I only live an hour from Charleston, about 3 hours from Columbia so in my case that played a huge part in chosing

The new patient phone number for the peds CF clinic at MUSC is (843) 792-1414 or toll free 1-800-424-MUSC.

They only have clinic on tuesdays 8AM to 12PM


New member
I was diagnosed at MUSC Children's hospital in Charleston. Dr.Bowman is a great doctor, the RT who I believe is still there is awesome and the Children's hospital is great in general. Dr.Bowman was the only ped CF doc when I went there but I know they have more now

I've also heard good things about Columbia however I only live an hour from Charleston, about 3 hours from Columbia so in my case that played a huge part in chosing

The new patient phone number for the peds CF clinic at MUSC is (843) 792-1414 or toll free 1-800-424-MUSC.

They only have clinic on tuesdays 8AM to 12PM


New member
I was diagnosed at MUSC Children's hospital in Charleston. Dr.Bowman is a great doctor, the RT who I believe is still there is awesome and the Children's hospital is great in general. Dr.Bowman was the only ped CF doc when I went there but I know they have more now

I've also heard good things about Columbia however I only live an hour from Charleston, about 3 hours from Columbia so in my case that played a huge part in chosing

The new patient phone number for the peds CF clinic at MUSC is (843) 792-1414 or toll free 1-800-424-MUSC.

They only have clinic on tuesdays 8AM to 12PM


New member
I was diagnosed at MUSC Children's hospital in Charleston. Dr.Bowman is a great doctor, the RT who I believe is still there is awesome and the Children's hospital is great in general. Dr.Bowman was the only ped CF doc when I went there but I know they have more now
<br />
<br />I've also heard good things about Columbia however I only live an hour from Charleston, about 3 hours from Columbia so in my case that played a huge part in chosing
<br />
<br />The new patient phone number for the peds CF clinic at MUSC is (843) 792-1414 or toll free 1-800-424-MUSC.
<br />
<br />They only have clinic on tuesdays 8AM to 12PM