Post Transplant Excersize Routine


New member
What is your post transplant excersize routne? How much do your doctors want you to excerisize? I am 2 1/2 years post transplant and I am currently in rejection and will need a nother double lung transplant sooner rather than later. I am doing everything I can to try to keep this first set of long for as long as I can. Any advice would be appreciated.

CF since birth/CFRD since 13/ double lung tx on 9/3/2010


New member
Where were you transplanted? Does your center use Campath? I have known several to keep the lungs for years with the use of this drug. Duke and Pittsburgh both use this drug.

Exercise is very important. Keep the lungs going along with some muscle tone for another TX attempt. Duke would want you in the gym five days a week for 2-3 hours a day.

CF TX cepacia 62 and 12 years post TX