New member
My shipment is coming Weds! I'll post updates once I start.
Anyone else that started recently have any more experiences to share?
Anyone else that started recently have any more experiences to share?
Started Orkambi last night. Had what I would describe as a pretty bad reaction. Severe bronchospasms and asthmatic rxn, violent coughing, pulse 95+, resp 25-30/min, O2 sats barely maintaining on 3L oxygen with frequent dips to 84%. Severe rhinitis, fever, intense, and I mean INTENSE coughing. It felt like I was drowning in my own fluids. My body was releasing water into my lungs and sinuses like CRAZY. Finally after 4 hours of this I took some hydrocodone and the rxn quieted down to simple familiar bronchospasms, but I still wasnt able to really get any sleep since my system was so worked up.
With some trepidation, I took this mornings dose and it was much milder. Slight fever, minor bronchospasms, an increase in cough and rhinitis, but not the violent rxn I had before. I also had mild nausea, headache. My sats dropped a little, but no 02 needed, no real increase in pulse and respiration. Yeehaw.
I'm so glad you got it Diana. Could you clarify...was he coughing up hge amounts of mucus? Did the vomiting start after coughing it up? Did he feel nausea and sick while vomiting? Hope he's feeling better..hugs