posting from "newly diagnosed" forum


New member
posting from "newly diagnosed

Probably a silly question, but do people with CF always have an
excess of mucus in lungs/chest that bubbles away and needs to be
brought up or is this only the case when they have some kind of
And what is Post Nasal Drip? I've seen it mentioned a few times
here and there.<br>
And thanks again to those of you who have offered suggestions about
what the mucus could be about with my little one. I have considered
reflux too but although he spits up a tiny bit when you burp him, I
don't think he has ever vomited in five months.  He does need
serious burping though. I could get away with letting it go
occasionally with my other three but as soon as this one drinks a
bottle, his belly blows up like a balloon and goes back down again
once he's burped.  If he's left without burping he gets very
upset.  <br>


New member
posting from "newly diagnosed

Probably a silly question, but do people with CF always have an
excess of mucus in lungs/chest that bubbles away and needs to be
brought up or is this only the case when they have some kind of
And what is Post Nasal Drip? I've seen it mentioned a few times
here and there.<br>
And thanks again to those of you who have offered suggestions about
what the mucus could be about with my little one. I have considered
reflux too but although he spits up a tiny bit when you burp him, I
don't think he has ever vomited in five months.  He does need
serious burping though. I could get away with letting it go
occasionally with my other three but as soon as this one drinks a
bottle, his belly blows up like a balloon and goes back down again
once he's burped.  If he's left without burping he gets very
upset.  <br>


New member
posting from "newly diagnosed

Probably a silly question, but do people with CF always have an
excess of mucus in lungs/chest that bubbles away and needs to be
brought up or is this only the case when they have some kind of
And what is Post Nasal Drip? I've seen it mentioned a few times
here and there.<br>
And thanks again to those of you who have offered suggestions about
what the mucus could be about with my little one. I have considered
reflux too but although he spits up a tiny bit when you burp him, I
don't think he has ever vomited in five months.  He does need
serious burping though. I could get away with letting it go
occasionally with my other three but as soon as this one drinks a
bottle, his belly blows up like a balloon and goes back down again
once he's burped.  If he's left without burping he gets very
upset.  <br>